Chapter 22: Parents huh?

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Warning: Swears, abuse

Sorry for the wait!

It was a quick moment of confusion that made (M/c) almost stumble as Trender's tall figure forced them to move out of the way.

Perhaps they should've spoken up about the painting, everything about this situation felt dangerous.... What exactly was going on? The feeling of dread suddenly overtook them.

'Was this what Time was talking about? Is he, or whatever they are... the reason why I feel like this?' (M/c)'s heart was beating as if it were about to combust in their chest.
"(M/c)? You good?" Jake nudged (M/c)'s shoulder.

They were quick to say, "Totally!" With a forced smile.

"Oh don't be scared! Trender is just in his moody attitude today! Let's see that real smile!" Splendor puts two of his fingers to the corners of his mouth and stretched his smile out.

'I feel better when he's around... I'm never this comfortable around adults.' (M/c) couldn't help but laugh a little as Splendor attempts to tickle them.

"Now!" Splendor pulls away and moves towards the desk, "You two are not like your other friends!" He snaps his fingers two times and two small glasses of a black liquid appears on the desk.

He gives them to Jake and (M/c).

"Human bodies are soft and fragile, unlike the Creepypasta's. My little brother gives all his workers a bit of blood to make them stronger." He explains as the two teen observed the blood.

"Aw sick! This is your blood?!" Jake nearly dropped the glass out of disgust.
"I'd drink it but it looks too much like Jake's puke." (M/c) claimed.

It was true, for some reason Jake throws up black shit.

"I know the thought of it seems... Grotesque, but I can assure you that the taste is only a little bitter! It's only once a month!" Splendor tries to encourage, "After, how about some Chocolate Cake with strawberries?!" He suggests.

"I'm more of a spicy guy." Jake replies.

Now (M/c) had trouble thinking of what to do to get out of this situation, but it's not like they could run! Chris would just bring them back here!

They glanced out the window, seeing a little black cat staring back at them.

(M/c)'s heart was beating faster than ever, they placed a hand over their chest, only to realize that it wasn't their heart that was beating...

It was the necklace....

The heart shaped moonstone was beating against their chest, telling them to not drink the blood.
And then they remembered Mr. Creepypasta's texts from last night.... For the first time, they found Mr. Creepypasta useful.

"-it's not at all a very good-" Splendor was telling them all the benefits when (M/c) dropped the glass, spilling it on the floor, "My parents are Creepypasta's? Aren't they?"

You could hear a pin drop from the silence.

There was a tiny part of them that regretted revealing such information but they tried to stand their ground, "Well?" (M/c) waited for someone to speak up.

Chris was snapped out of his thoughts the moment (M/c) dropped the bombshell, 'Why would they say that?' He questions.

Finally Trender cleared his throat, adjusting his tie and breaking the silence, "it's true..." he said.

At least we know Mr. Creepypasta wasn't just saying shit.

Jake looked over at (M/c), his he's widened with shock, "Seriously?" He said in a whispered voice.

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