Chapter 20: Secrets and truth

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Warning: warning: cringe, swears, poison, pretty short, guns and knives.

(M/c): No I don't think I will.

Mr. Creepypasta: Excuse me?

(M/c): you can read, I don't have any interest in knowing my real parents. So no deal.

They waited for Mr. Creepypasta to reply, but soon they came to the realization that he wasn't gonna respond.

To be honest... (M/c) couldn't tell if he was pissed off...

"Did I make a bad decision?" They asked aloud.
You worry too much.

Chris came downstairs, dressed in the hunters uniform.
(M/c) looked up, setting their phone down to talk to Chris.

"A mission already?" They asked.

Chris gave a hum, grabbing his shoes by the door and kneeling down to put them on.
His eyes were narrowed and lips pressed together tightly.

(M/c) gets up from their seat, "Are you upset?" They asked.

Chris sends a glare, but they weee kinda used to him doing that when asked a question.

(M/c) just blinked, Chris sighed and looks back away.
He sets himself up and placed and hand on (M/c) shoulder.

"I'll be back." He says in a softer tone.

"I'll be back..."

(M/c) tries to forget that sentence. 'It happened a year ago.' They reminded themselves.


(M/c) didn't mean to let that slip out, but the moment it did, it was too late.

".... Sure..." Chris looked away uncomfortable.
This made (M/c) cringe, their face heated up from embarrassment.....

Oh that's....


"GAH! That was so mortifying! Why did I say that?!" (M/c) paced around in the training room.

When I said to 'Let out some steam' I only wanted us to take a bath...

(M/c) ignored Emory.

"Promise?! That's so cringy! Did you see his face?! Did you see how he knew this was gonna remember that for the rest of his life?!" They picked up a knife and starts to slash the dummy out of frustration.

It's really not that big of a deal, you're fifteen. Just a normal teenage moment!

(M/c) groans, they moved the dummy back into a closet and grabs a set of vr goggles.

These goggles were used to recreate missions for those starting out as hunters.
They were a good way to help the new hunters... but it's not the best technology for 2029...
Of course they were expensive and were still a bit glitchy....

(M/c) sets the set on their head and turns them on.

Within moments they were placed in the forest.

(M/c) looks around already spotting some glitching npcs preparing to attack....


(M/c) grabs the knife prop and made sure the gun prop was near them.


They take a deep breath...

1! Go!

Within seconds the Npc's attack.

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