Chapter 23: The Calm

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Warning: swearing, mentions of bullying, childhood trauma, lore

"Chris! Am I on speaker?" Dr. Nell was in his office, looking over his reports.

Chris on the other end was unloading the new mask that Trender had apparently redesigned last night.

"No, tell me what you found." He asked.

"Well.... I'm not sure if you know this but..... (M/c) does in fact have Creepypasta blood...." Dr. Nell says in a low voice.

Chris cursed in his head, 'If this gets out then it'll cause too many problems.... Especially for (M/c)...'

"Is there any match?" Chris asked.

"We think.... A woman by the name of Marigold Hart, a hunter that went missing around 15 years ago." Dr. Nell answers.

"And the father?" Chris took the mask out and analyzed it.

"No match, I'll try to get contact to the other hospital in case there is something there." Dr. Nell replied.

"Let me know and sent me the records. I'll see if I can contact any family." Chris sighed, "Have a good day."

Chris hangs up.

The black mask stared back at him, the red proxy symbol was marked on the forehead.
Trender also sent a letter, containing information about the mask.

"A black mask made with elastic straps, made with strong materials and can be washed regularly with a damp cloth.
Symbol is there on purpose."

Trender was always symbolic with his designs, his previous design came with two parts.
A smiling mask with x's over the eyes.

Chris was in deep thought, wondering what would he do if the other leaders found out about (M/c)?
Creepypasta blood can be identified by the fact that it contains cells that is theorized to regenerate wounds.

'Is this what Uncle meant? When he said that (M/c) was special?' He thinks back to when he first saw them....

He was about nine years old, two years after the incident.

"So you just want me to accept them like a family?" Chris glared at the floor as Eugene knelt down to his level.
(M/c) was there for about three weeks and Eugene decided that he should break the news to Chris.

"You don't have to if you don't want to.... But (M/c) is special for this organization.... Do you understand?" Eugene asked.

Chris nodded, but in truth he felt disgusted by the thought.

"You know that I love you like my own. What happened that night was not your fault." Eugene told him.

Chris pushed his uncle's hand away and starts to walk away, "I know....." he says.

"It's all her fault....."

Chris broke out of his flashback when (M/c) announced that they were going to hang out with Jake.

Chris left his room and stopped (M/c) just as they were putting their shoes on.

"(M/c), can I speak to you for a moment?" He asked.

(M/c) stood up straight and gave him their full attention.
"I know that Jake knows... but don't tell anyone else about your parents." He says, "And you should tell Jake not to tell anyone either."

(M/c) nods, "Sure..." they said a quick bye before leaving the house.

The sun was glaring down at them and they sighed with annoyance, walking to the mall would take 15 minutes....

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