Chapter 21: Father Time Waits for None

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How long has it been?

Nestled within Mother Nature's womb, a quaint little house that blended into the shades of evergreen sat idly as it had for many moons and nights. The windows were slightly cracked on the front face of the shack, bringing in the cool drafts of wispy wind and the scent of flowers flowing throughout its interior. Ambient noise floated from the TV, replaced on the cabinet and wood floor that had also been refurbished. The dust was clear, the porcelain and silverware restocked and placed back into their respective areas, and the chandelier and lights glowing just as homely as they had before the accident had occurred.

It was almost normal, save for the plethora of mechanical beeping and whirring of medical equipment clustered around the large, pulsating mass that still occupied most of the space available.

A lone man sat on a newly fitted couch for the room, his tired eyes peering past a curtain of dark hair. His gaze occasionally glanced at the massive accretion, before turning his head away. It was hard for him to look at it. One of his than that, had been lying dormant in there for much longer than what should have been. Those Umbrella Scientists were all wrong about their conclusions.

They said you would be out in no time. That it was just a stage in the parasite's evolution, and it would be over nearly as soon as it had started. They had explained it was some sort of chemical reaction within your body from constantly spiked adrenaline levels or some other enzyme activating bizarrely in your body; Aizawa could not stay long on the details.

"What a load of crap," He muttered, shifting his position on the couch once more.

This was one of the few times he could get away from the city and the business that awaited him there, but this was barely any better. So much had happened, it was hectic to process it all; he couldn't show it of course. He still had to set an example for his students. They relied on him. Especially all that they had gone through as well.

It was a doozy telling the students of a cover-up condition you had, hiding your true status behind the metaphorical curtain that Umbrella had asked him to construct. Most students accepted it fairly easily, though still concerned for their classmate, but it was Midoriya who had pulled Aizawa after class one day and asked further questions, as he usually does. He would have to accept the fact that Aizawa had nothing more to say about it.

Most of their final exams had gone stupendously, while others did...less promising. Yaoyorozu had finally awakened her leadership skills that Aizawa knew she had within her, reassuring him that she was going to become a promising hero.

Sometime later, the Quirk Training Camp had commenced, the thought making him grimace. It had started well; The students underwent their training and got through Pixie Bob's earth elementals looking like zombies by the end of it. Nonetheless, they pulled through. It had only been a day or two before all hell broke loose.

His mind still remembers it all so vividly. The blue flames that had appeared at his side when trying to find the others. Maybe there was something different he could have done, but he stopped himself. No point in focusing on the past. From some of the other heroes who had more contact than Eraser in the current situation, he had heard news of Yayorozu waking up very soon. A large group of some of the top heroes were devising a plan to get back Bakugo once she awoke, that much Eraser knew when another student from 1-B said he had attached some odd button Yayorozu had him plant on one of the creatures' backs.

The League of Villains is becoming stronger. The words caused a shiver to go up Aizawa's spine. Ragdoll had gone missing, large patches of velvet that littered the forest floor and part of her headwear the only evidence in their possession. Pixie-Bob had received a terrible blow to her skull: Aizawa was there to see the paramedics hastily load her into the ambulance before speeding off.

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