**Chapter 10: Love's Collapse**

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The pressure from Hiyori's proposal and the subsequent family pressures proved to be too much for the once unbreakable bond between Sanji and Zoro. As weeks passed, their relationship began to crumble under the weight of the choices they faced.

Arguments became more frequent, and the laughter that once echoed through the "Baratie" kitchen now felt like a distant memory. Sanji's heart ached as he watched Zoro torn between his love for him and the obligations placed upon him.

One fateful evening, as the tension reached its peak, Sanji and Zoro had a painful confrontation. Sanji's voice was filled with anguish as he said, "Zoro, I can't bear to see you torn apart like this. It's tearing us apart, and I can't watch our love crumble."

Zoro, his own heart heavy with regret, replied, "I never wanted any of this to happen, but I can't ignore the pressure. I have to consider the future, even if it means losing you."

With those words, their love, once so strong and unyielding, began to disintegrate. They decided to part ways, a painful choice that left both of them with broken hearts.

As the days passed, Zoro agreed to marry Hiyori with a heavy heart, the wedding a bittersweet occasion marked by sadness and regret. The once vibrant "Baratie" became a place filled with the echoes of their lost love.

On the day of Zoro and Hiyori's wedding, Sanji stood in the shadows, his heart shattered. He watched the love of his life exchange vows with another, and tears filled his eyes. When the ceremony was over, he couldn't bear to stay any longer. With a heavy heart, he left the "Baratie" and the man he loved.

The tenth chapter closes with Sanji walking away from the "Baratie," leaving behind a life and love that had meant everything to him. The city's culinary world, once filled with the flavors of their love, was now marked by the bitter taste of heartbreak and separation.

From Kitchen to Heart: Sanji's Culinary Romance | ZoSan!Where stories live. Discover now