**Chapter 12: The Search Begins**

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As Zoro struggled to come to terms with the end of his marriage to Hiyori and the painful separation from Sanji, he couldn't bear the silence and emptiness that had settled over his life. He realized that he needed to find Sanji and attempt to mend their broken love.

Zoro embarked on a journey to search for Sanji. He combed through the city, visiting the places they had once shared happy moments, but Sanji was nowhere to be found. He even went to Sanji's house, hoping to find a trace of him, but there was no response, and the house appeared abandoned.

Days turned into weeks, and Zoro's determination to find Sanji grew stronger. He often stood outside Sanji's house, hoping that one day he would return. It was during one of these moments that he saw a black-haired man entering the house.

Zoro couldn't contain his excitement. He called out to the man, "Excuse me! Have you seen Sanji? I've been looking for him."

The black-haired man, whose name was Luffy, turned to Zoro with a puzzled expression. "Sanji? Oh, you must be talking about the previous owner of this house. He left town a while ago, and I bought the house from him."

Zoro's heart sank at the news. Sanji had left the city, and Zoro had no idea where he had gone. His search had hit a dead end.

Luffy, noticing Zoro's distress, continued, "I think he mentioned something about starting fresh in a new place. Sorry, man. I don't know where he went."

With a heavy heart, Zoro thanked Luffy for the information and left. He realized that finding Sanji had become an even more challenging task, and his heart ached at the thought of the love he had lost.

The twelfth chapter concludes with Zoro continuing his search for Sanji, determined to find him and attempt to rekindle the love they had once shared, even though the odds seemed stacked against him.

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