**Chapter 16: A Morning Tease**

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The morning sun spilled through the windows, casting a warm glow in Zoro's kitchen. Zoro had been busy whipping up a batch of pancakes, their delicious aroma filling the air. As he worked on the pancakes, he couldn't help but smile, knowing that this was a moment he had longed for.

Sanji came down the stairs, drawn by the delightful scent of the pancakes. He approached Zoro, who was intently focused on his culinary task. Gently, Sanji wrapped his arms around Zoro from behind and whispered, "Good morning, Marimo."

Zoro was momentarily taken aback by the use of the nickname. He turned his head to face Sanji and asked, "Why did you call me a Marimo? That's not my name."

Sanji giggled, his affectionate smile lighting up the room. "That name really suits you," he teased, "and I like it."

Unable to resist the charm of Sanji's smile, Zoro pouted playfully and said, "Fine, if you like it, then you can call me Marimo."

Sanji leaned in and kissed Zoro on the cheek, leaving both of them with a sense of warmth and contentment. It was a morning filled with pancakes, affection, and the joy of being reunited with the one they loved.


Zoro and Sanji sat at the dining table, savoring the pancakes that Zoro had prepared. The morning was filled with the simple pleasures of good food and shared affection. As they enjoyed their breakfast, Sanji's sharp eyes caught a glint of metal from across the living room.

He paused mid-bite, his gaze fixed on the object that had caught his attention. "A katana?" Sanji asked, his voice filled with surprise and curiosity.

Zoro followed Sanji's gaze, realizing that he had forgotten to mention the rare katana he had received as a gift. He nodded and replied, "Yes, it's the katana I received as a gift recently. It's a remarkable piece."

Sanji couldn't hide his intrigue. "Who gave it to you?"

Zoro chuckled, knowing that the story behind the katana's arrival was anything but ordinary. He explained, "It's a bit of a mystery. The katana appeared at our doorstep as a gift, along with a note. The note simply said, 'Enjoy your katana.'"

Sanji raised an eyebrow, his curiosity growing. "A mysterious gift, huh? It's beautiful. I hope there's no hidden magic or curses with it."

Zoro reassured him with a grin, "Don't worry. It seems like a genuine gift, though the mystery of its source remains."

As they continued their meal, both Zoro and Sanji couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic events that had unfolded in their lives. The katana served as a reminder that sometimes, the most unexpected surprises could add a touch of magic to their journey.

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