**Chapter 15: A Gift**

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The night spent at Zoro's house had been a passionate and long-awaited reunion for him and Sanji, rekindling their love with an intensity that had never faded. As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, Zoro was awoken by a doorbell ringing, and he found himself still nestled beside Sanji, who was peacefully asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

Carefully, Zoro moved Sanji's hand and managed to slip out of bed, wearing clothes as he made his way downstairs. He was puzzled by the unexpected visitor at this early hour. When he opened the door, he was met with an empty porch, except for a large box that sat there, waiting.

Zoro's curiosity got the better of him, and he brought the box inside. As he opened it, his eyes widened in amazement. It was the rare katana from the shop he had been so eager to possess. The blade gleamed, and its craftsmanship was breathtaking.

His heart raced as he saw a note inside the box. It read, "Enjoy your katana!! ~Solis."

Zoro muttered to himself, "Who the hell is Solis?" He couldn't fathom how this mysterious person had known both his desire for the katana and his address. The enigma only deepened, and he wondered if it had any connection to the lady from the katana shop.

With the prized katana in his possession, Zoro's thoughts were filled with questions, and he knew that this mystery would need to be unraveled.

From Kitchen to Heart: Sanji's Culinary Romance | ZoSan!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon