**Bonus Chapter: A New Ingredient in Their Love Story**

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With their restaurant flourishing and their love standing the test of time, Zoro and Sanji decided to expand the chapters of their story by adding a new member to their family. The decision to adopt a child was met with enthusiasm and anticipation, and so, they set out to the local orphanage.

As they strolled through the corridors of the orphanage, laughter echoed from the playroom, and the air buzzed with the energy of children at play. Zoro and Sanji shared glances, silently communicating the shared excitement and nervousness of this significant step.

They approached the reading corner, where a small figure sat engrossed in a book. The child, immersed in a world of words, seemed oblivious to their presence. Sanji, with his gentle smile, approached the little boy.

"Hey there, little man. What are you reading?" Sanji inquired, curious about the world that captivated the child's attention.

The boy looked up, revealing a shy smile. "I'm reading about medicines. I want to be a doctor someday," he confessed.

Intrigued and touched by the determination in the boy's eyes, Sanji asked, "What's your name?"

The boy hesitated for a moment before answering, "I'm Chopper."

Zoro and Sanji exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Chopper seemed like the missing ingredient that would complete their family.

Over the next few visits, Zoro and Sanji spent time getting to know Chopper. They shared stories, laughter, and even a few culinary adventures. Chopper's curiosity about the restaurant and his eagerness to learn about cooking warmed their hearts.

Finally, the day arrived when Zoro and Sanji officially adopted Chopper into their family. The restaurant, once a testament to their love, now witnessed the addition of a new chapter—a chapter where laughter echoed, and the aroma of dishes intertwined with the joy of family.

As they embraced their roles as parents, Zoro and Sanji discovered the unique joy that Chopper brought into their lives. The restaurant became a place where not only culinary dreams flourished but also a space for shared family moments.

And so, the bonus chapter concludes with Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper creating a new chapter in their story—a chapter filled with love, laughter, and the undeniable magic of family. The pages of their tale continued to turn, and the allure of their culinary haven grew stronger with each passing day.

                           ~The End~


Thank you for being the most wonderful readers on Wattpad. Until our next journey together, happy reading!

With heartfelt thanks,
                          ...[Solis Chan]...

(I'll try a better story next time!! So, Stay Tune!!!)

From Kitchen to Heart: Sanji's Culinary Romance | ZoSan!Where stories live. Discover now