**Chapter 14: Unexpected Reunion**

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As the clock struck 11 am, Zoro walked into All Blue Cafe, his heart filled with both anticipation and a sense of mystery. He was there to meet the lady from the katana shop, but to his surprise, the lady was nowhere to be found. Instead, he was greeted by a familiar sight that left him nearly breathless.

Behind the counter, serving customers with grace and finesse, was a blonde, gorgeous man. Zoro's eyes widened as he realized that it was none other than Sanji, the love he had been searching for all this time.

Zoro couldn't contain his excitement, and he walked up to the counter where Sanji was working. "Sanji!" he exclaimed.

Sanji, who was in the middle of serving a customer, looked up and their eyes met. The world seemed to stand still for a moment as their gazes locked, and the unspoken connection they had once shared was rekindled.

Sanji excused himself from the customer and made his way toward Zoro. "Zo..Zoro, is that really you?"

Zoro nodded, his eyes glistening with a mixture of joy and relief. "It's me. I've been looking everywhere for you."

Sanji, now standing in front of Zoro, asked with a hint of concern, "What about Hiyori? What happened?"

Zoro explained, "Our relationship didn't work out, and we decided to get a divorce, with understanding."

Sanji's eyes held a mixture of emotions, but relief seemed to be the dominant one. "I've missed you so much," he admitted.

Sanji couldn't contain his emotions either. He pulled Zoro into a tight hug, the kind that spoke of longing and love that had been held back for too long.
Then they pulled apart and Zoro leaned in for a kiss, their lips meeting in a long-awaited kiss. It was a kiss that held all the passion and longing that had built up during their time apart, a kiss that signaled the rekindling of their love.

The fifteenth chapter closes with Zoro and Sanji sharing a heartfelt reunion at All Blue Cafe, their love rekindled by an unexpected twist of fate. The city's culinary world was about to be seasoned with the flavors of their love once more.

From Kitchen to Heart: Sanji's Culinary Romance | ZoSan!Where stories live. Discover now