**Chapter 18: Dreams Taking Shape**

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With the decision to transfer the hotel made and a shared vision for their future, Zoro and Sanji found themselves fully immersed in the process of creating their dream restaurant. The days were filled with sketches of layouts, discussions about menus, and scouting for the perfect location.

As they explored potential spaces for their restaurant, the duo discovered a quaint building with large windows that offered a view of the city skyline. It was a space that resonated with the atmosphere they envisioned for their culinary venture.

The paperwork for transferring the hotel to Perona progressed smoothly, and Zoro could feel the weight of the past lifting further. It was not just a restaurant they were building; it was a haven for their love and shared passion for food.

One evening, as they stood in the empty space that would soon transform into their restaurant, Zoro turned to Sanji with a determined gleam in his eyes. "This is it. Our canvas to create something extraordinary. A place where our love and our art will intertwine."

Sanji, equally driven, nodded in agreement. "I can already imagine the aroma of our dishes filling the air, the laughter of patrons enjoying our creations. It's going to be amazing!"


As the days unfolded, Zoro's excitement for the restaurant venture intertwined with a more profound plan. The dream they were building together wasn't just about a culinary haven; it was about a life shared in every aspect.

One evening, with the soft glow of city lights illuminating their rooftop, Zoro took a deep breath, his hand nervously finding its way into his pocket. Sanji, catching a glimpse of Zoro's contemplative expression, looked at him curiously.

"Sanji," Zoro began, his voice steady but filled with emotion, "our journey together has been nothing short of extraordinary. From the kitchens of 'Baratie' to this rooftop where we dreamed of our restaurant, every moment with you has been a treasure."

Sanji's eyes softened, sensing the sincerity in Zoro's words.

Zoro continued, "We've faced challenges, celebrated triumphs, and through it all, our love has only grown stronger. So, I want to ask you something."

With those words, Zoro dropped to one knee, revealing a small velvet box from his pocket. The moonlight caught the glint of an exquisite ring nestled within.

"Sanji, will you make this journey with me for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me?"

The rooftop seemed to hold its breath as Sanji stared in awe at the man he loved, a mixture of surprise and joy playing on his face.

After a moment that felt like an eternity, Sanji's eyes sparkled with tears of happiness, and he whispered, "Yes, Marimo. A thousand times, yes!"

As Zoro slipped the ring onto Sanji's finger, the city below witnessed the celebration of a love that had overcome trials and found its perfect moment amidst the twinkling lights.

From Kitchen to Heart: Sanji's Culinary Romance | ZoSan!Where stories live. Discover now