Talks of the Future

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I guess I was feeling a little bit spicy when I wrote this chapter hahaha nothing actually happens though


A couple of days passed since they returned. Wooyoung and Yeosang shared a bed like they usually did while San occupied a spare bedroom close to Yeosang's wing. Yeosang was by far the busiest out of the three of them; he remained adamant that he must oversee every decision, even when his advisors were probably capable of making the smaller ones without him.

Wooyoung went back to being Yeosang's guard, so that took up most of his days. San would come find them from time to time and they would eat meals together when Yeosang's schedule allowed it. Other than that, Wooyoung wasn't completely sure what San got up to during the day.

"Are you still planning to become a knight?" Yeosang asked San. It was traditional for a King to work in the throne room in case a visitor wanted an audience with him, but Yeosang had taken to occupying various offices or sitting rooms throughout the castle. He claimed he'd already grown tired of the empty space that comprised the throne room and that if somebody wanted to speak with him, they could come find him, wherever he was.

Wooyoung and San shared a look at the question. It was unclear whether San would be able to; they still hadn't had a chance to see that doctor.

"I will think about it," San told him from where he lounged on a chair in the office. Yeosang sat at a desk and, as usual, Wooyoung remained standing by the doorway. He wasn't about to let his more comfortable relationship with Yeosang affect his ability to do his job.

"What about you?"

It took a few seconds for Wooyoung to realize that San had directed the question at him. Even then, he was confused. "You think I would want to be a knight?"

"I wasn't talking about being a knight specifically, but surely you will not be guarding Yeosang forever."

"Why not?" He was comfortable doing this. 

"Because," San pouted slightly. "I will feel left out if you two are always together."

Yeosang had gone back to his work when Wooyoung and San started speaking, but now he looked up again. "You feel left out?" 

"Well, not yet. But perhaps I will."

"What else would I do, San?" Wooyoung questioned. "Being a guard is all I have trained for."

"Perhaps..." Yeosang trailed off, looking deep in thought. "Our Captain of the Guard is retiring soon, Wooyoungie."

Wooyoung shook his head. He knew where this was going. "I couldn't. The others would judge me. They'd think I only got appointed because of our relationship, which would be true."

"Don't be ridiculous. You're the most widely respected guard in this castle," San protested. "Even I know that and I've barely spent time here!"

Wooyoung avoided their stares. "Perhaps I used to be."

"You still are, Wooyoungie," Yeosang said. He'd abandoned his work altogether.

San added, "It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, anyway. Nobody will say anything about it when you have the King's favour and if they think you are undeserving, you can simply prove them wrong."

Wooyoung sighed. He echoed San's earlier words. "I will think about it."

One of San's many talents was making it seem like he was looking through someone. That was what he was doing right then; it really felt like San knew his thoughts. "You should not be afraid to take what you want. You deserve more."

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