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We go to the cafeteria.

I eat my pizza, Noah grabs a slice and Liz eats her sandwich. Yup, the gang's all here. And all of us have changed. Liz has her long, auburn hair, grey eyes, dimples and she is a teeny tiny bit taller. I guess that's what puberty does to some people. Yup.

I was going to take another slice until I noticed that it was empty.

-Noah, bro.

-Yeah?- He says as he eats the last slice of pizza.

-You finished the pizza, idiot.

He laughs.- Sorry not sorry.

I sigh.-What do you have for lunch?


-Give me.

Noah takes the popcorn and gives it to me. -Here y'go.


Liz sighs.-I want school to be over.

That would be soon. Real soon.

-I have an idea.

Noah and Liz stare at me

-What is it?- Liz asks.

-Let's get lost.

Noah tilts his head. -As if "let's go on a random trip and get in stranger's vans and go to the beach at night" kind of lost?

-Yeah, that's right.

-Then I'm in.

We both stare at Liz.- Okay, I'm also in.


Liz and I wait for Noah at the park.

-Do you think he's sleeping?

-At one in the morning. I don't think so.

Then Noah comes with his black sweatshirt, his ripped jeans and his Vans. -Hey.

-You're late.

-Shut up Will.

I smile. -Okay, you ready?

-Well, yeah.- Noah shrugs.

-You're not bringing clothes?

-Oh.- He turns and goes back.

-Good job Noah.- I say laughing.

He ignores me.


Noah comes back again.

-Now we can go?


We get inside the car.

-Why am I back at the back of the van?- Liz complains.

-Cause you are a pain in the-

-Screw you, Noah.

-You know I am kidding.

-You are always sleepy.- I say simply.

She stares at me as if I talked to her in Japanese.

-You always feel sleepy.

She sighs. -Fine.

And after a few minutes, Liz was asleep.

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