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A knock. Just like that. At 3 in the morning,

I groan and go to open the door. Actually I fell and opened the door.

-Are you okay?- I hear Will's voice through the door.

I open the door a little bit.- Will, it's 3 in the morning.- I say, my voice still sleepy.

-I had a nightmare.

To be honest he sounded so cute, and innocent.

-You know it's 3 in the morning, right?

He sighs. -Yeah, I do know it's 3 in the morning, but I can't sleep.

-Yes, you can, now go.


-Go and sleep.

And another knock, another fall.
-Will, I fell again thanks to you.

But it wasn't him. -Uh, room service?

-Uh, no thanks.- I said quite ashamed.

The wheels of the cart started to sound distant. Then I get a call.
And this time it was Will. Laughing.

-"You confused me as the lady from the room service?"- Then he bursts into laughter.

I sigh. -It happens.

-"To who? Oh right, you."-

Another knock, but this time I didn't fell. Cue the fist bump to the air.

-"Don't confuse me this time, alright?"-

-Bye.- And before he could say anything, I hang up.

I open the door, which wasn't a brilliant idea, since I was just wearing my boxers.

-Hey, do you...- Liz trails off and looks at me, her mouth still open.

-Hold up, I'm going to put something.

-Yes, okay.

I close the door.
Did she actually blushed?
I put a grey sweater, jeans and my black Vans.

I open the door again, this time I am wearing clothes. -So, Liz. What were you going to tell me?

She blinks and then she says:- Oh yeah, the breakfast, it's definitely worth it, so... I'll wait downstairs, yeah. Uh, okay. That's it.

-Thank you.- I smile at her.


Will and I get in the elevator. 

-Well, at least you weren't naked.- And he wiggles his eyebrows playfully.

I laugh.

-She would be pretty surprised.

-You little.-
-Breakfast.- He quickly goes away and I sigh and follow him.

I sigh and grab an apple, since I wasn't that hungry, and go sit where Liz was.

-Hey.- I say and take a bite from my apple.

-You're not hungry?- Liz said and raised an eyebrow.

I shake my head and she nods. Then Will comes carrying a huge pile of food. No kidding. He had 5 pancakes, 3 eggs, 2 tacos, 4 yogurts, 2 orange juices, and way too much more.

-Man, you make me seem weird. We agreed you'll be the hungry one.

I laugh. -Sorry.- And then I whispered.-Not sorry.

Will raised an eyebrow.-You said something?

I shook my head. -Nope.

Liz giggled quietly.

-So now what?- Will asks 

I yawn.-Well, I don't know about you guys, but I am tired, so I am gonna sleep.- And with that I stand up and throw my left overs of my apple. 

Will raises his eyebrow.-Sleep?

-Well I last time I checked the clock when I was sleeping was 4 in the morning.- 

And with that I leave Will and Liz

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