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-Um, Emma?


-You died your hair. 

She sighs. -Thanks for that.- She said sarcastically. 

-No, no, no. You look really nice. 

She died it blonde, and at the tips a pastel pink. 

-So, where's Liz?

I tense up and she noticed- What? 

-Well, Will hates her.

-And you?

I stare at Emma. -What do you think?- I say it with a monotone voice said a serious expression.

-You hate her?


-But why?

-Let's say she's not what she seems. 

-Well, you too.- She said under her breath, but I heard her. 

-Thanks.- I answered, rolling my eyes. 

-I'm sorry, but it seems like you fake most of your emotions. 

-Well, maybe it seems like it, because that's what I do. 

-Why?- She stares at me. Her eyes from this point seemed to have specks of green. 

I sigh.- Well, I guess it's story time. 


-But wait. You have an older brother?

-If by older you mean 2 minutes, then yes. I have an older brother. 

-It's a twin brother?!-  

I shrug. -He kinda forgot about me.


-Just. Forget it. 

-After all you said and you want me to forget it?

-Yes, thank you. 

-What's the matter with you?!

-This is the matter. I just met you. I don't know you. And I am being really honest with you, and you are just a stranger. And I haven't been this honest, except with Will, because I trust him. And I barely know you, and I am trusting you. And that's not all. I am starting to like you, and a lot. And I've been to heart-broken right now, and I don't-I just can't- I take a deep breath- So, please stop being like this to me. Just stop.- I try to catch my breath, I feel like I just ran a fucking marathon.- I've never been like this to no one, but Will. Because I feel like he is my brother. Please, stop making me feel this way. 

-I'm-I'm sorry.

-No, I didn't meant it to hurt you. 

-It's fine.- She starts to walk away.

-Emma, please.- I plead her and grab her wrist.

-Let go.- Her voice sounds firm. 

Why did I even gave up?


It's freezing outside. You can see your breath. I sigh. 

Why did I said all those things?


I messed up. 

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