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Liz lays her head on my shoulder.

-So, what did actually happen to your parents? You never talk about them.

I smile. Not a fake one. Not a sad one. But an honest one. I look down at the ring my dad gave me. Before it all happened.-Well it all happened with a car accident. And I was like 8 years, I think. And they left me with my aunt, and then they left. To somewhere.

Liz looks at me. -I've never met my mom.

-It's weird, isn't?


-You know, I lived with my aunt, you never met your mom, it feels weird.

Liz knew I was right. She just didn't admit it. Maybe because she was scared? Afraid? Sad? Or just wanted to ignore the truth?


-What is that ring you wear?- Liz said, pointing to my dad's ring that was in my pinky finger.

I look at it.-It was my dad's ring. He gave it to me, and told me to wear it in the pinky as a promise. Also it's my lucky charm.

-Like the cereal?

I laugh.-No, don't be silly.

Liz smiles at me,and then she stops.-My mom didn't gave me anything. 

-Not even a picture of her, at least?

She gets it and waves it.-Ta-da.

-Can I?

-Yeah.- She hands me the picture of her mom, honestly, it was when she was young. She looks a lot like Liz. 

-Well, she's pretty. Just like you.

Her cheeks go a slight pink and she takes the picture from my hands. -So what other luck thingies do you have?

-The ring my dad gave me and a four leaf clover from my mom.

-Why the four leaf clover?

-Well, good luck and that's all.

Then after a few moments of silence, Liz says.-Nyctophilia.


-It's finding comfort in the darkness. 

I nod and then look at the ring.-Huh.


-In the ring, it says estotes fortes.

-What does it mean? 

-Be strong, on Latin.- I shrug.-The more you know. 

Look At The StarsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin