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"Why are you crying?"

"Sorry, honey. I-I need to tell you something really important. I know that you are strong. I know you are."

"What is it?" I ask as I chew another of my chicken nuggets, and I waited to listen to whatever she had to say to me. 

"Remember what I told you about your parents, sweetie?"

I tilted my head to the side, confused at what she was asking, but answered anyway. "They were gone, you said. I remember."

"Well, you know that when people are gone, they become stars," she said, as she sat next to me, and combed my hair with her fingers. 

"They are dead?" I asked quietly, and looked up at her.

"Honey, they crashed. They had a car accident. But go check the sky."

I didn't understood, but I nodded and went to the nearest window and peeked. And I saw two big stars. 

"You see those two stars over there? Those are your parents. They are really pretty, aren't they?"

"But you're staying with me, right?"

"I will. For as long as you need to, I promise."

I thanked her and she asked if I was okay. But of course, I wasn't. I wasn't strong enough, I was weakening. I was sad. 


L o s t.

"Yes," I lied.

I went to sleep. But, really, I couldn't. My aunt thinks I am strong, and I tried. But I can't. I grab my pillow and I put it over my face so I could scream, and of course I wasn't heard, I was quiet. No one noticed, but me. I was crying. I was strong, I tried. But that day, that simple and stormy day, I wasn't. I felt completely melancholic. 

All those years.

Kids teasing me, families giving me looks full of pity. That isn't a good for me, it was sickening. 



She looked completely pale and had barely started growing her hair back. I hated hospitals. The white walls, the beeping, people crying. Families. 

The beeping from her heartbeat. 

The sounds. And besides memories of my other familiars in here, and never coming out. 

"Aunty, you're going to get better, right?"

Of course not. She has cancer, the doctor said clearly. Stupid, useless, heart breaking cancer. 

"Of course, Will." She stared at me and the beeping slowed down. Until there was nothing. Then there was yelling, and I looked around to find who it was, and realised, it was me. I was yelling, screaming for help. Forgiveness. Anything. But why would they listen the lil' kid, when they've got business to do. No one listened and of course, when they came, there was nothing to do. It was too late when the nurse called the doctor and when he came. 

No beeping, and the stupid sun shining as if it was the happiest day to be alive. Not for me. Why is it always sunny when I lose someone? 

As I soon realised, she was gone, and I was left alone.


"You have goddamn liver cancer. I know it, my dad had it."

"Just hurry." I said, as the fatigue, the nausea and the pain from my abdomen were stabbing me.

And then we were suddenly here. 

Was I asleep?


"I'm sorry, son. But your aunt has passed away," the doctor puts his big hand on the small of my back. 

"You're doctors, you're supposed to save lives. Please."

"We did try to save her, but it was too late," he said with a touch of pity and sympathy. "Do you have a mom or dad we can call?"


"Any other relative? Another aunt or perhaps an uncle?"

"She was everything I had!"

I felt the tear coming down. 

"Any friends?"

I shrug. Noah.

"Hey." Noah hugged me. He was the closest I had to a friend. He was the only one that talked to me, anyway. I thank him for coming to pick me up. 

"Well, I'm here for you. That's what brothers do. Care for each other."

I was confused, not knowing how it was to have a brother, unlike Noah. Nevertheless I decided to smile. 


He smiled back.


"What do you mean?"

I listen to Noah and wake up. 

"Mister, you can't come in. He must have some relative, other than his parents."

"He doesn't. Please. We're best friends, we even have goddamn rings that prove it!"


My voice sounded hoarse, and unused. 

He steps inside the room. "Yes?"

"I'm fine."

"Yeah, because your symptoms clearly say that."

"Don't worry. I'll get out of here. I don't know when, but it's cancer. Nothing that can beat me down." I said as I smiled at him weakly. 

"I'll stay here. Because we're brothers."

I smile again.


This book has finished. 

The second part is what I am going to start writing now, which is called Listen to the Trees. I hoped you have enjoyed it so far.

Lots of love, Alexa 


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