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-It's okay.- Noah says softly.

After a long moment of silence, Will speaks:-I'm going to check us in at the hotel.- And with that he awkwardly stands up and leaves Noah and me alone.

-Are you okay?- Noah asks, still hugging me.


Noah then stops hugging means sits in front of me. -So you came here for your brother?

-Also because of you.

Noah cocks his head, confused. Then I point him to the sky, so he looks up and smiles.

It's full of stars.

-Hey guys.- Will calls us.

Noah and I turn our attention to Will.

-We already have our rooms.

I stand up.- Okay, let's go.

-Nah, I'm going to stay here a lil' bit more.

I nod and go with Will.

-Hey Noah.

He turns his head. -What?

I go with him again and hand him his key. -Don't stay late.

He looks at me and smiles.-Sure.

I go with Will again and we leave Noah all alone.

-He's staying?

I nod.

-So, are you feeling any better?

-Kind of, to be honest.

Will gasps dramatically.-Does that mean that Noah's hug did not work completely?

I laugh.-Well, I'm missing your hug.

Will smiles, showing his dimples, then he hugs me. It's like those really nice and warm hugs that makes you feel better.  Actually I started feeling sleepy

-Liz?- Will calls me softly.

-Hmm?- My cheek was resting on his shoulder. I stand up, straight. -Sorry.

-Nah, it's fine. I have been through that, a lot


He nods. -Every time i hug someone, the sleep. It's like a kind of superpower I have. That, and being awesome. 

I laugh.-Well, your hugs are actually really cozy, to be honest. Best hugs, besides Noah's.

He smiles again.- Thank you. 

We keep walking until we find our rooms. 

-Well, g'night Liz.

-Good night, Will.

We open our doors and then I shut mine. And my phone starts ringing. I sigh and answer. 

-"Liz"- Noah shouts through the phone, which makes me back off the phone from my ear. 

-What's wrong?

Noah starts laughing. -"You'll never guess what happened. A dude came and he gave me this bottle and it seemed like juice or fruit punch, I don't know, and I drinker it and now I appeared in a metal box."

I sigh. Oh God. He's drunk.- Does it have any buttons?

He stays quiet for a moment mumbling stuff to himself and then says- "A shit load."

I sigh again.-Noah, that is an elevator. 

-"Anyway, I was like"- then I heard a ding and Noah nervously asked:-"Fuck, what do I do? Do I get out? There's this number glowing"

-Is it number 4?

-"Uh... yeah."

-Get out, then

He stays quiet and then:-" Holy crap, that lame metal box almost ate me, alive."-He giggles.-"Ah yes, so what was I saying? So, I was like "What a beautiful view" and then the guy came, and I was really thirsty, and the dude gave me the bottle, and that's all."

Then a knock on my door sounds. 

-Do you know how to hang up this?

-Here.-And I touch the red button, making the call end. 

-Oh, thanks. Also, help me find my room.- And he hands me his key

-Next to Will's.- And I point his rom. 

He smiles.-Thanks again.

-Yeah, you're welcome. 

-Well, good night.

-Good night, Noah.- And I shut the door. 

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