The Skating Race

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" The thing is we need these men out here to race as soon as possible," Emmanuel Ebersole said. Hold his hand up blowing into a whistle to draw everyone's attention.
    Thereafter, a bunch of young men gathered quickly. Their breath is seen in the air, bundled up in warm clothes. In teams of three men to race, each went a loop, coming back to give the next skater the go to take his racing turn one loop, then return to the last skater. He races in the final for prize money.
Emmanuel's assistant today hired just for the race, fired a fake gun for racing, " On Your Mark Set Go, "and off they went. Harley, hearing the man saying on your mark get set to go, made his adrenaline go. He raced as fast as he could go, to get his momentum going.
    Light outside, kind of a gray winter day, with smooth ice to skate on top of. The only thing, be careful it's so slick it's easy to wipe out. His competition racing just as fast, except he must keep his eyes on his path only, or he'd lose his thoughts of winning.
    All around evergreen trees, stopped the wind, making it warmer skating. Besides that it blocked itself out as he sailed by slick on his Armstrong skates a star engraved on the bottom, the best skates on the market. Before long around one more bin, the next skater, got there winded, and Charles raced off in a dead heat, as fast as he could go, mid-way tripped catching his fall, long enough to hear the watchers say augh, aww, with sounds of that whisked off once more.
He grappled for his balance, and finally raced onward, not even wanting to know where his competitors were compared to him. Onward, going as fast as he could praying all the way to get there as fast as possible, evergreen trees sailed by him, he not even noticing now.
Finally a break in the trees in time to see Trevor, he got there winded, worried, and hugging, Charles by this time, trying to catch his breath. " You ok? Charles asked, " Yes, just shaken I'd fallen and had to regain my balance and momentum."
    By this time Trevor had flown by his challengers, his ease into skating, dipping down on his haunches to go faster did just that.
Suddenly as if for them a sun came out of the clouds. Making it a God day, thank you for small favors.
    Trevor glided onward, and finally, he saw the finish line. " The winner is Trevor." They won, They had won. Trevor, Charles, and Harley hugged as Trevor caught his breath. Then up at the Lodge, awarded a big gold trophy. And the check for one thousand dollars.
   Inside a crowded lodge of onlookers. Their girls are there to cheer them on. Everyone cheered for them. They had won fair and square. Then the girls returned to their side smiling having their pictures taken for the newspaper, this was quite an event.
Flashes all around from pictures being taken. The day was unforgettable for sure. Afterward a party, refreshments for all. Serving a wide assortment of cookies and homemade candy, kaffi, and colas.
     Much to everyone's liking it was a supper turnout. And lots of congratulations asking what we will use all that money for? Charles chosen to be their spokesperson," Myself and my Braudaars Trevor and Harley, are getting married this fall all three at the same time. The honeymoon is what the money is for, Danke comes from the bottom of our hearts. " They all cheered putting Charles up on their hands and carrying him around the room.
Trevor, Harley, Angie, Katherine, and Marie looked on excited yet almost in unbelief, anyone could be so kind. This had been a glorious day for all who entered here to watch the ice skating race.
The next evening Saturdaag, they all relaxed
At the Amishmen farmstead. Inside nestled in looking at the Gold skater trophy, it was such a joyous time. Charles with the help of Katharine, churned homemade ice cream. While Marie and Harley popped popcorn over the fireplace Angie and Trevor, got out deer jerky, nut mix, and party mix they just made earlier. The night was a delightful one indeed.
   Such a nice end of the day after winning prize money, and a trophy. They all sit around in couples visiting and playing word games, a favorite among Mennonites and you define each word. It's rather fun, not too much while munching and visiting with each other.
     They talked about the wedding coming in the next several months. True love gathers there tonight and for many more to follow. Laughing and enjoying the snacks immensely.
Making out the first guest list for the wedding.
Trying to remember anyone too special to not be forgotten.
    By the end of the evening, the list was made, and we all felt happy about it. Angie read it aloud naming everyone on the list and adding a few We'd forgotten. Such a fun time to
Remember regarding the wedding plans in the journals the girls had made sure to keep them while planning the wedding.
   Suddenly the Spring months again, and the fields were occupied by Amish farmers. A sweet
The smell of spring comes forth returning once more to entertain us, with a Jubilee of sorts, sprouting new leaves returning on the trees, Apple Blossom smells so nice outside. As breaking ground to plant corn, beans, and whatever else needs to be planted and gardened in.
Birds sang from the evergreen trees which never go Baron during winter months. Instead, gives off a pretty smell of evergreen drawing you in by smell. Delightful, charismatic aroma is unforgettable in how it affects us.
Before long, The town dressmaker fitted us for our Wedding dresses, excited as it may seem even more so when going through it at the time. Thoughts of marriage made our hearts turn inward to a heart full of love and marriage. Something to be desired from childhood.
Mrs. Bontrager came to call this time, leaving us to her. " Please show us what to do, Mrs," They all said in adoration of her decision on a nice-looking Wedding dress. And likewise, she'd felt an obligation to her dress-making. Smiling had taken from her briefcase some pictures of other Mennonite ladies their ages who had made dresses for in previously.
The dress's shed displayed pictures of beauty. In every price available, and from very old order Amish to Mennonite. All kinds of fabrics and colors are modestly dressed.
Carefully picking out a very special one, just for the day. It had to be for they must married for life. Time will stand still on this very day. The world seemed cozy and brighter to them all. Certaprized for it means becoming man and Fra.
   Delving into a nuisance of mediums of fabric textures, surely one you'd recognize to match your heart's desire as a bride for her groom. When twin souls become one, at the altar of our Lord Father God.

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