1 - Rest and time.

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*Elena's POV.*

"Good morning honey!" I opened my eyes slowly. My mom stood next to my bed and the sun was shining on my face. "Good morning mom." I said with a soft voice. My mom walked to the windows and opened them a little. "We made breakfast. Pancakes with Nutella, powdered sugar and strawberries! To celebrate that you have made the exams! I heard that all the lessons have been removed from the schedule, and that you only have to hand in your books. Then you really have a holiday next week and that you don't have to go to school anymore!!" My mom was exited but I was still very tired. "Hmh..." I mumbled. "Come, get out of bed and put on fresh clothes! Then we can eat." My mom smiled and walked downstairs to the dinning room.

I got out of bed and walked to my walk in closet. I had so many clothes but I never knew what to wear cause I loved them all. I opted low waist baggy jeans and a white crop top. I put my hair in a messy bun and looked for my white sneakers. When I got everything I walked downstairs to the dinner room. Everything felt so relaxing cause I didn't needed to do anything fast. I had no dancing this vacation. I only needed to make some videos for it but that would take only 10 minutes.

When my mom and I sat around the table, my dad came in with pancakes and stuff to put on it. "Bon appetit ladies!" He said to us when u sat down too. "Dad I am not a lady, I am literally 16." I said and my mom and dad laughed. "You had your exams and you are done with school. Still not a lady then, honey?" My mom said laughing. I laughed too. "No, then I sound so old." I said. I started to eat my pancakes. "Elena, could we help you with your study or other things that you want to do after the vacation?" My dad asked while putting strawberries on his pancakes. "Please let me eat my pancakes first." I laughed. "Well of course, I would appreciate that. I have no idea what I need to do with all those things." I answered on my dad. He nodded. "We should speak about that when we finished our food, you are totally true." He laughed too.

When we finished our breakfast we cleaned everything and sat down around the table again. My mom took a book and a pencil to write everything up. "So what things would you like to do, or do you already know what you want, honey?" My dad asked me. "Well I know what I want to do but I don't know how." I started thinking about how I should say it. "I want to stay dancing, that is logically. And I get much money from that, but I want to make more so I don't need to think about what I can't buy or how much money I can spend on like food or something." My dad nodded again and my mum wrote it in the weird booklet. "Yes of course dancing. You will always stay doing that. But do you have an idea to make more money in less time?" My mom said while writing the last things down.

"I really want to be an influencer or something. Or a coach for more confidence or to be a better dancer." I said and I smiled. "That sounds so great, sweetheart! But you are already popular so if you start collabs with people, you can become an influencer." My dad said. "That is a great idea! Cause I already have collabs for dance clothes, but then I can make videos about make up or other things like jewelry or accessories, or daily clothes!" I got more enthusiastically while thinking about all the ideas. "And I can even coach people too! But first collabs and stuff. Then we will see." I smiled. "That is all amazing sweetheart, I don't even think you need to do that to make even more money. Cause when you are done with influencing you will probably have so much money. But yeah if you want more then you can do that!" My dad said with a smile. "I am going to make a video today. Then I will ask in that video if there are people that want to collab with me!" I said enthusiastically.

After talking about that all for an hour, we decided that I will influence for a year and if it doesn't work I will start with coaching people. I walked to my room again. I cleaned it yesterday so it was really organized. I grabbed my phone. I started to make videos. I made many videos. After a while I'd chosen the perfect video. I hoped that people would see it and want to collab with me. When I posted it I layed down my bed. I stared at the ceiling. I already missed dancing but I knew that I could dance again after 6 weeks. And I could still train, just not competitions or battles.

I was still staring at the ceiling when I heard really much messages on my phone. I looked at it. The video that I posted got 17,2K vieuws already! It was only posted 10 minutes ago so it would get even more views. "Yes!" I said softly. I got up, I picked up my headphones and walked to the backyard.

I put my headphones on and played some music. I just started to freestyle a bit. I always loved to dance. When I danced, my mind wasn't on something else. I heard my mom calling my name. I took off my headphones and looked at the time. "Oh yeah I am coming!" I said when I saw that it was 18:32. When I came in I smelled something so good but I didn't knew what is was. When I came into the kitchen I saw that my parents made pasta. It was pasta carbonara and that was one of my favorite pasta's. "Do you like what we are going to eat?" My mom said while smirking. "Yes I love it!!" I answered. When everything was ready, we started eating. It was so good.

After eating, watching tv and chilling it was a couple of hours later. I was getting a bit tired from the whole day. It was 23:56. "I think I am already going to sleep soon." I said to my parents and smiled. "Of course honey! Sleep well and see you tomorrow." My mom and dad said. "Sleep well!" I said and I got upstairs. I showered and put on my pyjama. It was a new pyjama and I loved it so much. It was a white T shirt and under that shorts with blue and white stripes. I putted on some skincare and got in bed. I saw more messages from my phone. I saw that my video had 547K views now. I decided to take a look at it tomorrow and I closed my eyes to fall asleep. It didn't took long cause after five minutes I was totally asleep.

The next morning I woke up because of the birds who were whistling. It was 08:03 AM but the sun was already shining much. Today was going to be a hot day, around 35 degrees. I felt like this was going to be a productive day. I got up and took a green cargo skirt with a dark brown top. I decided to make some breakfast and eat it in my room cause my parents were still sleeping. Once I had made my breakfast, I walked back to my room. I sat down my desk which stood by the window. I started eating slowly as I watched the sun and trees. When I finished my breakfast I took my phone. "Oh my lord..." I whispered softly. The video had 1,2 Million vieuws. My DM's were full with companies who wanted to work together. It took me only 1,5 hour to react to all the messages. I will receive many packages these weeks, but I was happy with that too. If I didn't wanted something anymore, I can sell it and then I make even more money.

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