10 - Tokio Hotel.

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*Tom's POV.*

"Elena, do you want to come and meet the band?" I asked her hopefully with a smile on my face. It was two weeks after the day Elena wanted to end her life. Things were going great for both of us and we tried to do as many fun things as possible. Today we were going to practice with the band for the first time in a long time for the show we had in two weeks. "Yes, I would love that!" She said happy. I smiled at her. "Let's get ready then, my love." She smiled back at me and I kissed her.
"Should I wear this, my dear?" She asked me as she buttoned her pants. I looked at her outfit. She wore wide trousers with a green army print and a white top. "Of course, my love! Everything suits you." I said to her. I put my hands on her hips as I stood behind her in front of the mirror.

"Do you think I look good too?" I asked her when I looked at my dark blue pants and my white t-shirt with blue text on it. She looked at me and smiled. "You look amazing, darling. Just like always." She kissed me and I smiled. We walked downstairs while talking about the most random things. "Are you coming with us Elena?" Bill asked when he saw us. "Yes! I am exited to meet the band." She said. "Nice! It's sure to be a lot of fun." Bill said while smiling. "Mom is out shopping so we are already gone when she comes back." Bill told me. "That's fine, we only need some breakfast." I said.
After we were done with breakfast, Bill looked at a map on his phone.

"The studio is 15 minutes away from here, but we have to go with the bike." Bill said when he searched it up. "Luckily it's warm outside. And if it's winter, I already have my driver's license." I said proudly. "You don't even know whether you will pass your practical exam!" Bill teased. I rolled my eyes. "Tell you, you still haven't even passed your theory exam!" I said teasingly. "Shut up, Tom. You're just lucky, but I will always be better with other things." Bill said irritated. "And I will always be older." I smirked and Bill hit my arm. I hit him back but harder. Then he stood up and pushed me from my chair. I fell to the ground laughing and Elena, along with Bill, couldn't hold back her laughter either. "Oh no, my little brother is getting mad. Be careful, he might eat you up soon Elena!" She stopped laughing and looked at Bill with big eyes. He looked back her and grinned. "Oh no!" She said and runned away from him. He runned after her and I laughed. I stood up while Bill chased Elena. When he stretched out his arm to grab her, she dodged his arm and ran back to me. I grabbed her and we looked at Bill. We laughed and Bill stopped running. He took a breath and laughed too.
He looked at the clock on the wall. "Oh we have to go. We have twenty minutes left." We walked outside and took out our bikes. Bill cycled in front and Elena and I cycled next to each other. The fresh morning air slid across my skin. I looked at Elena. She is so pretty, I love her. Normally I didn't had a choice in girls cause they always chose me, but now I had a choice. Elena is my choice, forever.

After 12 minutes we were in the street where our studio was. "There it is!" Bill said exited while pointing at the door of our studio. "We are earlier then I thought, the others will arrive in like 8 minutes." He said while we were locking our bikes. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and opened the door from the studio. I stood in the doorway and reached my arm in. "Ladies go first." Elena and I grinned at each other and she walked ahead of me. I turned on the light and walked with her to the room where my name was on it.

I opened the door and looked around. Then I saw that Elena was looking at all the guitars on the wall with her mouth open. "Are these all yours?" She asked in surprise. "Yes, they are all mine." I smirked. "Do you like them, my love?" I asked her. "I love them. They are all so cool!" She answered while still looking at the guitars. I looked at the V-shaped guitar. I remember what I did with it a couple of months ago. I grinned and grabbed the guitar from the wall. "This one has a name. It's my favorite guitar." I looked her straight into her eyes with a smirk on my face. "Tell me." She looked at the guitar and at me again. "Elena. The name is Elena. Just like you, my love. A beautiful name for a beautiful guitar named after a beautiful girl." I smiled and kissed her. "You're just too sweet, my love." She kissed me back and I smiled. It was fun that she didn't knew what happened with the guitar but that doesn't matter.

Born For Each Other - Tom KaulitzHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin