16 - The best birthday.

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*Tom's POV.*

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!" I heard Elena sing softly. I opened my eyes and a smile appeared on my face as I saw her happy face. "Happy 17th birthday, my dear!" She said and kissed me. I smiled happily and kissed her back. "Thank you so much, my love!" I was so exited for today. This would be my first birthday together with Elena.

She got on bed and laid on top of me. I hugged her tight, I was so blessed with Elena. I got more up to hug her even closer. Her arms were around my neck and I had my arms around her waist. I couldn't believe that my girl is a high paid model now. I was so proud of everything she did. I was at her first dance competition this season together with Bill, and she even won! We were all millionaires now and I got my driver license too. Elena and Bill were almost done and they will have their practical exam on the same day.

We were hugging and kissing for so long. But then I thought about Bill. "Elena come, we will go to Bill!" I said exited. "Yes let's do that!" She answered. When we got up, I looked at her. She was fully ready and she wore something that I never saw her wear. It was a tight black satin dress. She looked so gorgeous and it really fitted her. "You look so beautiful baby!" I said as I was looking at her with dreamy eyes. "Do you like it? I don't know if it suits me." She said while she looked in the mirror. "Everything suits you! Let me change clothes cause I don't want to look like a homeless man next to you." I said with a laugh. Elena laughed too. "You will be my beautiful homeless man then." She kissed me and I kissed her back.

I changed into the new clothes that I bought. It was light baggy jeans with an oversized black blouse. I put a white shirt under the blouse and took my black and white cap. I looked at Elena again. Then my eyes fell on her necklace. It was silver with a little black star. "When did you got that necklace? It is so pretty!" I asked her as I touched her necklace carefully. She smiled as I looked at her again. "I got it in the mall yesterday! I could get you one too if you want?" She asked me. "Yes please! I love it so much, I never saw one this perfect." I said enthusiastically.

We walked upstairs to Bill his room. We sneaky looked around the door and we saw Bill getting ready in front of the mirror. We waited until he was done and then we jumped around the corner. "Happy birthday Bill!" Elena said as she gave him a hug. "Thank you!" He sounded so happy and surprised. I walked up to him and gave him a hug too. "Happy birthday, brother." I smiled at him. He smiled back and I saw the twinkle in his eyes. I knew that mine were sparkling too cause we always had it on the same time. "Happy birthday to you too." He gave me a hug again.

*Elena's POV.*

I runned downstairs to Tom and Bill's mom. "They are coming downstairs! We have everything, right?" I asked her with a smile. She smiled at me too. "Yes sweetheart, we are done. Thank you so much for your help!" "No problem." I answered her. She really felt like a mom for me now. She always took care of me, just like Tom and Bill. I never ever wanted to loose these people, I love them with my whole heart.
"Happy birthday my dear boys!" Leah said enthusiastically as Bill and Tom came downstairs. She hugged them together and I saw that the guys were so happy. They were both taller than Leah but still looked like little kids hugging their mom, it was so cute to see. I saw Tom looking over his mom's shoulder at me. He was smiling from ear to ear. When they all stopped hugging, Leah looked at me with a smile. "So we have some presents for both of you!" We walked to the table in the living room where all the presents were on. Bill and Tom looked so surprised when they saw all the presents and I was happy about that, they deserved more than everything.
They started opening the presents that we bought for them. When Bill was opening the last present from his mom I saw Tom looking at Bill. He was so happy and his eyes spoke of happiness. Bill took out a ring with his name on it. "Oh my god, thank you so much mom!" Bill hugged Leah tight. "Wow it's so cool!" Tom said as he looked at the ring around Bill's finger. I was looking at them and then Leah looked at me as Tom and Bill were talking. I totally forgot that Leah bought a present only for Bill cause I bought a present for Tom. I wanted to feel in my pockets but I forgot that I was wearing a dress. The box was still in my bag. I walked to the hallway fast and took the box out of my bag. I walked back to the others and looked at Tom. He looked at me and smiled as I smiled. "Well you didn't got a present from your mom cause I have one for you." I gave him the little box. "Really? Thank you, my love!" He said before he even opened the box. I smiled cause I knew that he would love it. When he saw the package with Dior on it, his eyes spread open and he looked shocked. He looked at me. "Just open it, my dear." I laughed. He wanted to say something but then he closed his mouth and opened it. When he opened the little box he saw the necklace that I was wearing too. He looked at me, at the necklace and at me again. Then he hugged me tight and he gave a kiss. "Do you like it?" I asked while laughing and smiling in one time. "I love it! Thank you so so so much, my love!" He said as he was hugging me again. "But is it really from Dior?!" He asked when I put the necklace around his neck. "Yes it is! But don't care about the price, it's a present." I put the necklace straight and looked at Tom, I smiled. "You look amazing." I said softly. He carefully pulled me closer to him and caressed the side of my body softly. "You don't know how beautiful you look." He said while his face got closer to mine. But when we were close to kiss, Leah and Bill ruined the moment. "Tom, Elena please not again." They said. We both looked at them at the same time. Then we looked back at each other and laughed.

*Tom's POV.*

I couldn't get mad at Bill and mom and it was actually a bit funny how irritated they were about it. Elena walked to the kitchen together with mom. I looked at her, she was so beautiful in everything. Her dress fit her body so beautifully and you could see her beautiful figure. The neckline of her dress was close to her chest. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she is just perfect. Bill looked at me and punched my arm. I looked at him with a bit of irritation. "I know that she looks beautiful but you need to hide your feelings." He said. I was a bit shocked. I looked down but then I looked back at Bill confused. "No I don't mean that. I mean the way you look at her, dummy." I felt so embarrassed after Bill said that. He laughed and I rolled my eyes.
When Elena and mom came back they had a birthday cake with them. On the cake there were pictures of Elena and I, Elena and Bill, Bill and me with mom and in the middle a picture from Bill and I. I looked at it and I felt myself smiling, it brought back so much fun memories. Then I saw a picture of Elena and I that I had never seen before. It was a picture of us sailing in the optimist from Elena. That was just a few days ago but I didn't remember that someone made a picture. But it didn't mattered to me cause it was just a very cute picture. "Can I have that piece?" I asked while pointing at the picture. "I want that one!" Bill grabbed the cake knive before me to take the piece with a picture of him sleeping while Elena and I made a weird face next to him. Elena and I laughed at it, it was after the third show this season. Bill and I cut out the pieces of cake before mom took the knive. She cut out the pieces with all four of us. It was at the beach wich was so much fun too. "Wich piece do you want, my love?" I saw her looking at the cake with a smile. "This one I think." She pointed at a picture that I didn't see. It was us in the evening walking thru the streets of Paris. I had my arms around Elena and we looked at each other while laughing. I remembered that moment like it was yesterday. "I love that one!" I said as she cut it out. "I love it too! It was such a beautiful memory." I smiled and kissed her softly. "Yes it was absolutely."

After a while I heard the doorbell. I walked to the door and opened it. It were Gustav and Georg. "Hey guys! Come in!" I said enthusiastically. They walked after me to the living room. "Hey!" They said when they saw Bill, Elena and mom too. They took out presents and gave them to us. I opened mine and it was a black-white bandana, a red cap and a new set of sweatbands. "Thank you guys so much!" Bill got a new belt, the T-shirt he always wanted and a palette of eyeshadow. "Thanks guys!" "No problem boys, happy birthday." We gave Georg and Gustav some cake too and we had such a fun time.
I couldn't sit next to Elena so I sat on the other side of the table. I was staring at her with low set eyes for the whole time until she looked back at me. We both smirked and smiled. "We shall go to the cafe!" Bill suggested. We all agreed and I asked mom for the car keys. When I got them I took Elena's hand like a gentle man and walked to the car with her. I saw Bill walking to the front seat next to the drivers seat. "Nuh uh Bill. Sit in the back." I said as I held the car door closed so he couldn't get in. "Ugh, why?" He asked irritated. "We have a passenger princess." I said with a smirk as I leaned against the car door and I looked at Elena. "Ah, now I get it." Bill said while laughing. He walked to the back door and got in the car. I opened the door for Elena. She got in and I grinned. I got into the car too and started the engine. Before I drove away I looked at Elena. "I hope that you enjoy the ride, ma'am." I said and I drove away. She smiled and looked foreward. We decided to take a longer way and I looked at Elena again. The I was making sure that there were no cars on the road. I stopped and got out. "It's your turn." I said as I opened Elena's door. She looked at me and grinned. She got out and looked into my eyes. I shook her hand and got on her seat. She walked to the other side and sat down in the driver's seat. "I'm sorry if we crash." She said and pressed the accelerator. I was completely pushed into my seat and I was a bit shocked at first. But then I saw that Elena had it under control. I looked her, I saw a smirk appearing on her face. Then I saw the speed and I knew why she was smirking. "Elena, you don't even have your driver license and you're going 125 kilometers per hour!" Bill said shocked but enthusiastically too. "I know what to do. I will get my drivers license so fast!" She said and I smiled without saying anything.

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