2 - New neighbors.

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*Tom's POV.*

I was looking outside while sitting in the car. Today we are going to place all the stuff in the new house and this is going to be the first time that I will see the house. Th car turned right and went slower. I looked at the beautiful big houses. They were all detached and behind the right sight was a big lake. Our new house stood on the right side too. The moving van was standing infront of a house. But it was further away so I couldn't see the house very good.

When we rode past our new neighbors house I saw our house. It looked very much like the neighbors house. Big, white, beautiful and very chic. The house had a large driveway and against the sidewalk in the middle of the driveway there was a small patch of grass with a little tree on it. The house was white with a brown roof. It was so gorgeous. "Well boy's, this is our new home!" Our mom said. I looked at Bill, he was very exited too. I smiled and got out of the car. It felt good to live in a new neighborhood, it was very relaxing here and the houses were detached. We walked to the house and my mom opened the door. It was absolutely beautiful, it was light inside the house and it had so much space. "Wow... this is amazing!" I said when we walked into the backyard. It was huge. On the left side there was there was a very large piece of grass that extended to the right side. And on the right side there was a large veranda and a jetty with a chill corner. At the jetty you looked out over the lake and it was so beautiful.

*Elena's POV.*

I heard cars and after that some voices, I looked out of the window and I saw three people standing at the neighbors old house. Would those people be our new neighbors? I didn't saw them good because of the distance. I walked downstairs. "Goodmorning!" I said when I saw my parents. "Goodmorning sweety!" They said. "The new neighbors arrived I guess. I saw them standing at the house next to ours." I said while walking after my parents to the living room. "Oh that's true! I forgot that they would come today. Do you think they need help, maybe we need to go and look?" Dad asked "I saw people taking things inside the house so they don't need help I guess, dad."

I laughed cause dad always wanted to help everywhere he could. My parents made breakfast for themselves and I told them about the video. They were very happy for me and they wanted to help me always. They were just so sweet. "Oh and one girl lives in this town so she is going to drop it off today. She was so cute. She is 11 years old and has a own small bissnuis of accessories and some jewelry." I said while smiling. "That is very cute Elena!" My mom said. "You always wanted to do that too when you were around the age of 6." She smiled and looked at me. "We are so proud of you, little princess." I smiled when they said that. I knew that I changed so much after my 7th birthday. In that year my whole dance career started.

I heard the doorbell and walked to the door. When I opened the door I saw a little girl with a package. "Hey!! You must be Scarlett right? It is so nice to meet you!" I smiled at the girl. She smiled back and said. "Hi! Yes I am Scarlett, it is so nice to meet you too! I was always a big fan of you cause you are my idol, this is like a dream coming true!!" I saw her eyes sparkling and I gave her a hug. "That is so sweet to hear! Thank you so much." The girl smiled at me while her eyes were still sparkling. "Did you needed to walk long or was it a short distance?" I asked the girl. "I live in the centrum of the town so it is close. But I am on my bike cause that is faster." She said and she gave me the package. "I hope that you like it, good luck with the video! Oh by the way, could I maybe take a picture with you?" She asked me. I smiled at her. "Thank you! I hope that it is going to help you much. And ofcourse I will take a picture with you!" We took a picture and waved at each other when she cycled away. I walked to my room and made a video about the things out of the package. It was all so cute and I would wear it many times. When I was done I heard my dad and mom talking with someone.

Born For Each Other - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now