17 - Drunk together.

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21:17 PM

*Tom's POV.*

"This was amazing!" I laughed as we were walking inside the cafe. Elena drives the whole way to the cafe and she didn't even made one mistake. "My adrenaline was higher than a skyscraper." We laughed and walked thru the door from the cafe. "Elena, Tom, take this!" Bill came up to us while holding shot glasses. "Gustav, Georg and I aren't drinking tonight to keep you two safe." He said teasingly as we took the glasses filled with alcohol. Elena looked at me with a grin. "Cheers." She said and took her shot. I laughed and took my shot too. Gustav came to us too.
"Want another one?" He said as he laughed. "Yes!" We both said. We waited until he came back. When he came back he had 4 shots with him. "So you are drinking with us too?" I asked Bill. "No that's for you two. We are actually not drinking anything." He answered while laughing a bit.

After a couple of shots it was 1,5 hour later. Elena and I were so drunk that we couldn't even speak perfectly. "Let's go there over." Elena said while pointing at the dance floor where many drunk couples were dancing. "Yes I love that." I said. We walked to the dance floor. The people there took us with them and danced. It was so much fun to just party with people that you don't even know. After a while of dancing there came an artist on the podium. I looked at the people and then at Elena. I grabbed her by her waist and lifted her on my shoulders. She held my head to not fall and we laughed. We didn't saw who the artist was so we waited until the music started playing. More people came on others shoulders and when the music started playing we both were very surprised.

It was Kesha and she was one of our favorite artists. The whole crowd was singing and dancing. She was playing TikTok and everyone knew the lyrics totally. A boy next to us had his girlfriend on his shoulders too. Elena and the girl were singing together. When I looked up at Elena I saw that she was holding the girl her hand and she looked so happy. Her hair was so beautiful while she was vibing on the music. "That's your girlfriend too?" The guy next to me asked loud because of the music. "Yeah!" I said loudly. "Nice bro!" He answered. "She's your girlfriend too right?" I asked the guy. "Yes! She knows like all the song of Kesha, well I don't know anything. But if she is happy, I'm happy too." He said as loud as he could. "Same, my girlfriend is my everything!" I said. "Sad that we are too young to marry them." He said laughing. I laughed too and nodded. I wish I could marry Elena already, I would love to.

02:58 AM

*Elena's POV.*

"We are going outside guys." Bill, Georg and Gustav said. "Yeah that's fun." Tom said while he leaned against the bar where we sat. "You need to come with us." Bill said while laughing hard. "Oh we need to follow." He said. He took my hand and smiled. I smiled back at him and kissed him softly. We trembled to the door as we followed the others. We got outside but when we wanted to walk to the car I tripped over a paving stone. I fell to the ground and Tom looked at me. Then we burst out laughing. "Maybe we should wait until they are a bit less drunk." Georg said to Gustav and Bill. "Good idea." Gustav said as he laughed because of Tom and me.
Tom helped me to stand up and he hugged me while we were still laughing. We carefully walked back to the others and Tom opened car to sit. "I'm so nauseous." He said while still laughing. "I'm too." I said when I looked at him. I felt like I was gonna throw up but I couldn't stop laughing.

"Hey beautiful girl." I heard a low voice behind my back while I was talking to Bill. I wanted to look back to see who said it but then I felt two hands on my waist. "Ay back off!" Tom stood up and walked up to me. There was a boy in total black clothes and a balaclava. I saw only his eyes and he looked at Tom. "Who are you? Mister overprotective?" The guy said. "Oh shut up, you aren't funny. Leave my girlfriend fucking alone." I heard the madness coming up in Tom's voice. "What do you think she will do, hit me?" The guy put his hands lower on my hips. Tom got a grin on his face. "Yes." He said. The guy moved his head near my face and I felt his breath on my cheek. "You wouldn't do that to me, you're too weak." I looked at the guy and grinned. "Sadly I'm not." I hit the guy with my elbow as I moved away from him. When the guy fell on the ground, Bill pulled Tom and me into the car.

Tom and I looked at each other when Georg drove away fast. We started laughing again and Gustav looked at us confused. "Still nauseous?" He asked. "Yeahh..." Tom and I answered when we finally stopped laughing. I sat down more relaxed and looked at Tom. His eyes were half open and he was looking foreward.
When we arrived at home, we walked to the front door. Gustav and Georg were filming again cause they wanted to make a compilation of the 17th birthday from Bill and Tom. But when they almost wanted to stop, Tom tripped over his feet and fell in the bush next to the door. "Ouch!" Tom laughed as he tried to get out. His shirt was stuck to a branch. I couldn't stop laughing as I tried to help him out too. The others were laughing too. "I got that on camera, and I got your fall on camera too Elena!" Georg said as he tried to not fall on the ground of laughing. "Oh no, we will get bullied with this Tom." I said as he finally got up. "Damn it." He said as he laughed at me.
We got inside the house and said goodbye to Gustav and Georg. We walked upstairs and fell on the bed without changing clothes.

11:27 AM

I woke up slowly. My eyes felt heavy and so did my head. I was still a bit nauseous but not much anymore. When I got out of bed I looked in the mirror. I was shocked because itt looked like I just came out of a depression. As fast as I could I showerd, changed clothes and did my hair. It felt so much better to be clean. I got back to Tom's bedroom and when I came in I saw Tom's face lightning up. "Hey my love!" He said excitedly. "Hey!" I got to him and hugged him. His warm hands almost covered my back and his lips were against my neck.

"You smell so good." He said as he looked at me again. His voice was deep and he was still tired. "I just showered that's why." I said and I kissed him. "You didn't even wait for me?" He said as he put his hand to his chest dramatically. "Oh I'm sorry, please don't kill me! Not before this day has end!" I said as I put my hand on my forehead and fell on the bed. "I'm not gonna kill you tonight..." He stopped his sentence and looked at me with a smirk. "I'm going to fuck you." I looked at him while grinning. "Here we go again..." I sighed dramatically. "Fifth time this week! And it's Saturday. Yesterday was the only day that we didn't. It is too long ago." I said and laughed as I saw Tom looking surprised. "I agree totally. We have to stay trained." He smirked and stood up from the bed.

"I need to do some things so I'm going to do that now." He said when he got downstairs. I could smell his perfume from here already. "Where are you going, maybe I can help?" I asked when he was putting on his shoes. He walked up to me and kissed me. "Sorry my love, you can't come with me." He said and hugged me. "Oh okay. How long are you gone?" I asked a bit disappointed. "I will be back in two hours I guess. Bill is at his friend so I try to come home earlier." I was a bit confused when he said that. "Bye my love!" He said as he walked to the car. I stood in the doorway, looking at him. "Bye my dear!" I tried to say as normally as possible. He waved when he drove away and I waved back. I got inside the house again and got to the kitchen. I looked into the mirror in the utility room. Was he going to cheat on me? Why didn't he told me what he was going to do? Maybe he found an another girl that is way better than me. Probably much prettier or sweeter.

Born For Each Other - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now