19 - Our two months.

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*Elena's POV.*

I woke up from Tom's kisses. I opened my eyes and smiled as I saw him. "Good morning my angel!" He said enthusiastically. "Congratulations." He said as he kissed me one more time. I was confused when he said that. There wasn't a birthday today right? "Do you know what I mean, my dear?" He asked as he laughed softly. "No I don't know." I said as I laughed softly too. "You've already survived with me for two months!" He said happily. "Oh I totally forgot!" I said as I hugged him tight. "Bill and I have a surprise for you, come with me." Tom said excitedly. I walked after him as I put on sweatpants and a hoodie. It was dark downstairs while it was 10:23 AM. We walked into the living room and the couch was standing in front of a big white screen.

"What?" I said surprised. "You have to sit in the middle!" Tom said with a big smile on his face. "This is why I was going away alone. It was a surprise for you so that was why you couldn't come with me." He put his arm around me as he smiled and I smiled back. Then Bill walked in with a hot pink microphone. He put his hand on his waist and leaned to the side. "Today in the cinema, we have an anniversary! Elena and Tom are having a relationship for two months. But in these two months, much had happened. We have much videos and we put them all together. So here is the film about these two months." Bill said with a big smile. Tom and I clapped for his speech while laughing. He sat down next to us and before he turned off the microphone he put on a low sarcastic voice. "Enjoy the movie." He said while trying to hold back his laugh. I was so excited for the movie that Tom and Bill made. It was probably so much fun.

The intro was a video of us three walking up to each other to pose for a photo. "Aww, we look so different even though it's just 2 months ago." I said. "Yeah, it's crazy how we changed." Tom said with a smile. The videos with all of our amazing memories played after each other. We got from smiling to laughing and sometimes silent. Everything was so perfect and all the videos were so cute. "Oh my god, the lake!" I said as a video played with Bill sitting in the rubber boat and Tom and I were swimming. Then there was the video of me and Tom dancing in the backyard. It was the dance I learned him on the day we confessed our love to each other. After that there was a video of us walking thru the streets of Paris as we were laughing. All the videos that were in the film made me feel so happy. There were videos from us three, from Bill and I and from Tom and I. After 1 hour of videos from us the end came. It was a video from yesterday where we took a photo just like the beginning. I stood up and hugged the guys. "I love this, this is such an amazing idea! Thank you guys so so so much." I said they were hugging me back tight.

"We will celebrate our anniversary this whole day, but first you two need to get ready for the practical drive exam." Tom said with a smile.
"Oh yeah, I totally forgot!" I said as I runned upstairs to get ready.

*Tom's POV.*

After 3 hours we were sitting on the couch while waiting for the call from the driving instructors. The driving exam was great by both of them and they thought that they didn't made any mistakes. Then Elena's phone went over as I was caressing her thigh while sitting closely to her. "Hello ma'am!" She said as she put her phone on speaker. "Hello Elena! Should I already start or do I need to wait?" Her driving instructor asked nicely. "You can already start ma'am." Elena answered while she was looking at us with a nervous face. I kissed her cheek while caressing her hair. "Well uhm..." The woman said thru the phone.

I saw Elena's hope fading away and whispered in her ear. "It's okay if you didn't make it, but I guess you still made it." I said with a soft smile. "I can congratulate you cause you made it!" The woman said happily. "Yes!" We all yelled and hugged Elena. "Congratulations, my dear love!" I said as I kissed her again. "Thank you!" She said as she had a big smile on her face. "Thank you ma'am!" She said before she could hang up. We were so happy for Elena and we couldn't wait for her to get her own car. "Guys look..." Bill said shocked as he pointed at his phone. "Pick up!" Elena and I said in sync as we saw that his instructor was calling him. He picked up and talked to the man nervously. "So, I call you to tell that you passed your exam." The man said on a happy tone. "Yes! Now we can all drive!" We said as we were done to talking to the man.
"Let's celebrate everything and just have some fun." I suggested as we were calmed down from excitement a bit. They agreed and we had music, drinks, snacks and much more to celebrate.

After a long day of partying and being with Elena alone too, we got to bed. "Oh Elena, I just love you so much." I said as I caressed from her ribs to her stomach. "I love you so much too, Tom. I can't even describe how much I do." She said with her angelic voice. I got her closer to me to feel her body against mine. "I think that the thing in the restroom of the cafe tonight, was one of our most unbelievable things we ever did." I said with a smirk as I was thinking of it. "The way that someone walked into the toilet next to us without knowing what we were doing is too funny." She said with her beautiful cute laugh.

"Elena, my love, I can't wait to have a future with you." I said. "Tom, I can't wait too! We will have a big house, many beautiful cars, maybe a pet and I would love to have children." She said as we were smiling at each other. "Our kids will be beautiful, I just know it." I said as I caressed her cheek softly. "But first we will enjoy these times, and I still want to spend every minute of it with you." I whispered in her ear. "You're right, everything else will come later. We will enjoy these times together first." She said and I kissed her softly.
I had her in my arms tightly as we both started to fall asleep. It didn't took long before we both were in a deep sleep together, while looking forward to what will come for us.

Born For Each Other - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now