15 - Millionaires at 16.

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*Tom's POV.*

Yesterday we got one of the greatest news ever. Elena was asked to walk runway's for Victoria Secret while she isn't even a model! Bill and I would get free seats in the front and we were asked to preform a song for a lazer light show the day after Elena's runaway. "I am a bit nervous." She said softly while we were looking at the mails that the Victoria Sectret director sended her. "Why? I know that you will do great." I said as I moved her more up my lap. "What if they made a mistake or something, that they send it to the wrong person. Or that I don't look like the way they thought." She said a little sad. I caressed her waist and gave her a kiss. "They didn't made a mistake and you're even more perfect than on all the pictures that exist. Trust me, my love."
"Oh Tom, I love you."
"I love you too , Elena." I smiled and kissed her again. She leaned against me and I put my arms around her. I loved to cuddle her.
I just loved being with her. She always made me happy.

"Look, here is the mail about my salary!" She said as we scrolled through the mails again. We read the email and our jaws dropped. "$12,000 per month?!" We both said shocked. "That is so much, we will be millionaires at 16!" Elena said with a big smile. "You mean that you will be a millionaire at 16." I said with a little laugh. "No we both will be, cause you are a photo model and a guitarist!" She sounded so exited and that made me exited too. "Yeah that's true. But I wouldn't get $12,000 every month." I smiled back at her again. "I think that you will get that after a few weeks." She kissed me after she said that.

"Okay, we will keep that in mind. But now you should starts the routines they send you. Tomorrow they will chose models for the runaway." I kissed her a bit longer and smiled at her. I knew that she was tired from everything. Her dance competitions started again, she started her driving exam and now she will become a model too. I told her that if there was something with her, that I would always help her. I sat down on the bed while looking at Elena as she was practicing her walk. After a while she stopped practicing and started with the work out that they gave her. I was looking at her for the whole time.

A quarter later she was almost done but I saw the pain in her face. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah..." She mumbled softly trying to hide the pain in her voice. I saw her arms shaking as she was finishing the last push up's. She was about to do the last one when her arms had no energy left and she softly fell on the ground. She laid down on her back and sighed deep. "Finally." She said tiredly. "You should sleep, my love. You don't want to fall asleep in the meeting tomorrow." I said as I sat down on the floor next to her. She nodded slowly and closed her eyes. I smirked softly and lifted her up from the ground to the bed. I laid down next to her and put my arm underneath her head. She smiled a little and snuggled against me. I smiled and kissed her. I put my arms around her and tried to sleep.

I felt Elena's hot breath on my chest and I just wanted to be as close as her as possible. But I needed to let her sleep for tomorrow.
Her hands were on the side of my body and her lips were close to my neck. I tried to hide everything I felt to not wake her up. I looked at her closed eyes and then at her lips. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I wanted to let her know how I felt but I needed to hold myself back. I sighed and got a little farther away from her. She still laid on my chest but not on my whole body. I felt the urge to just touch her everywhere and have a good night with her again. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down to go sleep.


*Elena's POV.*

"There it is!" I said to Tom as I was pointing at a large building. Today I would meet the crew of Victoria Secret and they will chose the models for the first runaway about 10 days. When we got inside, a woman walked up to us. "Are you Elena Kaiger? We are so exited to see what you got in store! You can walk with us, and your uhm... brother?" The woman was exited and Tom and I laughed because she thought Tom was my brother. "Yes I am Elena and he is my boyfriend." I smiled back when the woman smiled at me. "Oh I am sorry, well he can come with us too!" She said.

We walked after the woman to the room where three beautiful woman sat. They introduced them to us and explained everything I needed to do. First we had a little photoshoot and after that I needed to show my runaway walk.
We walked to a room with cameras and a white screen. They told me what I needed to do and they started making photos. It was actually much fun to do and the people here were very sweet. I saw Tom looking at me for the whole time. After they took the last photos we had to go to an another room. "The photo's turned out amazing! You only need to show your runaway walk and then you are done." The people from the crew said.

"You can start there and just walk back and forth. You have to do a straight face and a strong but not to overwhelming pose before you turn." I nodded and walked to the point where I had start. I took a little breath and made a straight face. Then I started walking towards the three people. Before I turned I put my hand on my waist and posed directly. Then I turned around and walked back. When I stopped I heard that they were clapping for me. I smiled and walked to the chair. "This was amazing! Normally it's always disappointing but you really are a natural! You'll be in the first runaway anyway for sure." The woman in the middle said with a smile. "Really? Thank you!" I said surprised. I looked at Tom. He looked so proud and he had a big smile on his face. "You did so great! There is nothing that you can't do." He said softly as the crew members were talking. "Thank you so much, my love!" I said back soft.


We opened the door and put on a poker face. Bill came up to us running. "How did it went?! What did they say?!" We tried to look as sad as possible. When Bill saw our faces he went silent. "Oh no... What happened?" He asked disappointed. Tom and I looked at each other, then we stopped with acting sad. "I can already walk the first runaway and I got paid permanently for this whole year!" I almost screamed from excitement. "You had to see her, it was like she always used to do this all!" Tom said as we were half jumping on to Bill. "Oh my god! I thought you guys were serious! I am so happy!" Bill said surprised. "How much did you got paid?"

He asked when we calmed down a bit. "Well you are not going to believe it. So they said that I will walk extra runaway's and that I will walk for even more popular brands so it is more than we could ever imagine." Bill looked at me curious with a smile. "Two and a half million..." I said. Bill's jaw dropped on the floor. His reaction was the same like the one from Tom and me. "What?! That's so much, oh my gosh!" He said more surprised than ever. "Tom and I are getting all of the cash from the concert and shows that we ever had next week. And that is going to be a lot. I think around a million!" Bill said when we sat down. "Guy's that's so great! We are actually millionaires at 16." I said happily.
We talked about everything that happened and what all the people said for the whole evening. We had such a good dinner and stayed up late. Around 4 AM we got to bed.
I fell asleep in Tom's arms again. I loved that.
He is my comfort person.

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