One: Emma

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"Honey! The train will be leaving in thirty minutes. We have to be leaving now!" my mother yells up the stairs.

I sigh and take one last look at my room. My bare walls, my bookshelf with only school books and my empty, pristine desk. Nothing here is mine. Nothing here claims to be mine or shows who I am. Maybe that's a good thing.

I zip my suitcase up and heft it off my bed before rolling it to the stairs. As I'm pushing down the handle to grab the smaller one a deep voice speaks behind me. "Need some help there?"

I turn and smile. "I'm good."

My dad smiles, his teeth bright against his dark face. "If you say so, kiddo."

I thump the suitcase down the stairs, almost surprised when mom doesn't yell at me for doing so. But she's too distracted. She doesn't want to mess up the first step of the plan. Not that it's much of a step, or plan for that matter.

She paces in front of the door, her hair trailing behind her. When she notices me she smiles, but it doesn't reach her worried eyes. "Do you have everything?" she asks, rushing over to me.

I used to wish I looked more like her than my dad. I love my dark curls, don't get me wrong, but there's something about mom's appearance that means business. And me and my dad don't look like that. If I looked like mom here I would stick out like a thumb, and I already do. So, it would have made it worse. But right now? I wish I looked like mom so I don't feel out of place at my new home for who knows how long.

"I have everything," I finally answer.

She sighs, relief flooding onto her face. "Good." She backs up and straightens her shirt. "We have to leave now. Say goodbye to your dad."

I frown and turn back towards him. "You're not coming to drop me off?"

He tries to smile but it's weak and we both know it doesn't hide his disappointment. "Wish I could kiddo, but the office needs me."

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Yeah. I'm sure the office really needs you."

He grimaces. "I know you don't like that I'm in the field but you have to stop talking about it like that. Especially now that you're in the field too."

I nod. "I know," I mumble.

He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Can I get a hug?"

I nod before tears can shine in my eyes. I don't know when I'll see him next. The future's so uncertain, but right now it isn't. So, I wrap him in my arms and hold as tight as I can before mom is sighing and pulling us apart.

"I'll see you on the other side," he says as we pull apart.

I nod because if I speak my voice will crack and tears will roll down my face.

Mom has my suitcase beside her as her foot taps impatiently. "Let's go."

I nod and follow her out of the house. I don't look back.


"I'm sorry that was rushed," she apologizes as we stand on the train platform.

"We were rushed for time. I know."

Something shines in her eyes and I have to stop myself from hoping it's pride. "Right. When you get off the train your aunt will be waiting for you. She looks-"

"Just like you." The jealousy slips into my tone.

She frowns. "Don't start that now. You looking different only makes your part more believable. Now, do you remember everything I told you?"

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