Fourteen: Emma

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The chip is cold and smooth under my finger, where when I touch my skin it's warm and a little bumpy. I've had this chip for as long as I can remember. We've never been able to purchase a new one for me. And I was fine with that.

But now? The chance to get an upgrade is appealing. My chip is so slow and can take forever to load some days. But... what if he takes my old chip and finds all the apps I use for spying? I've been careful to hide them and any information and instructions I have but a tech genius could find them easily.

"Emma?" I turn my head towards Sam, who is now the last one in the car with me. Where did everyone else go? "We're here. Are you coming?"

I nod, the words catch in my throat as the worries continue to swirl in my head. My aunt, my parents, will be so disappointed in me when they found out I've given up information for a new chip. Even though I didn't want to.

Taking a deep steeling breath I step out of the car. Now's not the time to let my nerves break me. I'm about to go into the corporations of the Mars company! I'm in their headquarters! I've just been given the greatest chance to gather any information I can. It's all at my fingertips as long as I can sneak away from the Mars' family and find my way through the building.

"Alright." Mr. Mars claps his hands. "We'll head in, drop Jax off at the daycare center and then we'll give you a tour before upgrading your chip."

I nod. The sinking rock in my stomach is only going down farther.

"Wonderful." He spins around, Jax skips along in front of him singing under his breath. Mrs. Mars follows after them, giving me and Sam the rear.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks as we enter the cool building, the air hits me in the face as I enter.

I nod. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" An unwanted chuckle surfaces.

She lifts a brow. "Because you seem like you really don't want the upgrade."

Dang it. How does she see through me so well? "Of course I want it. Who wouldn't?"

She continues to look at me with a disbelieving face. I duck my head away from her unrelenting stare.

"Bye!" Jax calls. He runs up to me and hugs my legs before doing the same to Sam.

"Have fun," Sam tells him with a pat to his head.

He grins up at her. "I will!" Then he's running into the room, the two of us forgotten.

"Now, where shall we start?" Mr. Mars asks.

I shrug.

"Maybe show her the computer room?" Sam suggests.

My eyes light up and the rock lifts a little. "Computer room?"

Mr. Mars nods. "It's where all our coders work all day."

"I'd love to see that."

He grins. "Wonderful-"

Someone coughs. We all turn to find someone wearing a white lab coat standing beside us. Their gaze slides past me and Sam and ends on the Mars.

"What is it?" Mrs. Mars asks them. She crosses her arms over her chest.

The person's eyes flick to us once before settling back on Mrs. Mars. "There's a problem, Mrs."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Mars eyes narrow.

"I mean-"

She throws a hand up to stop them. "No. It's fine. I'll come and see for myself." She turns to us. "I'm sorry I couldn't stay for the tour, but work is always calling." She chuckles. "I hope you enjoy the place, Emma."

Spying Over Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن