Six: Sam

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I don't think she liked my joke. Not that it was much of a joke.

The steady thump thump of my feet hitting the treadmill fills the room through my one ear and the other has music being blared into it.

I thought it was funny. We don't have a pool but we do have everything else. Who wouldn't find that funny? The one thing that every kid wants in their house and we don't have it. I shake my head, a smirk on my face. But she didn't find it funny. She had looked at me like it was the worst thing I could have said.

"Samantha," a voice hisses in my ear.

No! Why now? I just started my workout! I haven't even found my rhythm yet. But I slow the treadmill down and I hold my wrist up to my mouth. "Yes?" My chip blinks green as it registers my voice.

Mothers voice floats from my earbud. "Can you come to the office please?" As much as she tries to make it sound like a request I know it isn't.

"Coming." I hop off the treadmill, my workout already far out of my reach. Making my way down the hall I make sure not to make too much noise outside of Emma's room. She looked pretty tired when I showed her around, so I assume she's probably resting.

Once I'm downstairs and outside my parents office I pop my earbud out and slide it into the pocket of my hoodie.

"Come in," Mothers voice floats through the door before I can even knock. I swear she has eyes everywhere.

The door slides open, revealing my parents smiling faces. They sit behind their shared desks, hands clasped together in front of them as they stare me down. Anything but the happy loving parents I used to wish for when I was a kid.

The floor to ceiling windows behind them let in the high sun and its bright sunlight. The walls trapping us in are adorned with wall sized bookshelves, and where the selves don't have books on them there are little random trinkets in their places.

"How is she settling in?" Mother asks, drawing my attention back to her. Her blue eyes pin me in place.

I shrug. "I showed her around the house and she seemed to like it. Right now I think she's just resting in her room. Maybe even unpacking."

"Did she seem like she was scoping the place out?" This is asked by Father, who leans back in his seat.

I tilt my head. "What do you mean?"

"Was she looking for cameras, or hidden spots? Acting like a spy?" His hands fly in front of him as he talks.

I sigh. "No father. She's just a teenager. Why would she even want to spy on us?" I cross my arms. I get that they have a company worth a billion dollars but the two of them are the most boring people in the world. No one would be able to get anything juicy from them.

Mother sighs. "It's almost like we didn't raise you."

I scoff at that. She raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything about it. She knows I'm right.

"We have the new robot in development," Father answers. He leans forward again, as if trying to keep the conversation quiet. "We don't know what kind of people would want to steal it or even use it for their own gain."

"I thought it was just a security robot?" I turn to him, my interest now piqued.

He nods. "And it is. But with it being a security robot it has weapons installed. And if the early development plans fell into the wrong hands..."

"It could be used for different purposes than what it's supposed to be for," Mother supplies. It's like she doesn't believe I could fill in the blanks myself.

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