Ten: Emma

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That was a bust. I tried asking them as much as I could about their robot, their new product. But every single time they avoided the question by deflecting or asking me a question. It's like they knew what I was trying to do.

Oh no. Do they know? No, they couldn't possibly know. I haven't done anything to blow my cover. Expect maybe by bringing up Blake. But I think Sam covered that part for me.

"Emma?" a tiny voice asks.

I turn around to find Jax in his pjs standing at my door. "What's up?" I ask him.

"Can you read me a bedtime story?"

I gnaw at my lip. I had planned to try and look around their house well everyone was asleep and try to see if I could find anything. But, I mean, I wouldn't be able to do that for a few hours, after all, I'd have to make sure everyone is actually asleep. So it can't hurt to read him a bedtime story, right?


So, maybe that was a bad idea. I open my eyes, blinking away the sleep, while I try to remember where I am. Slowly I register the weight on my arm and turn to find Jax nestled into my side.

Shit. This isn't good.

Slowly, I try to take my arm out without distributing him. It's a lot harder than I expected and I have to hold his head up with my one hand and keep his head level before my arm is out and placing him down on his pillow.

What time is it? As I'm exiting his room I bring my screen up and see a flashing 1 o'clock. Well, at least I know everyone should be asleep now. My best bet is to start in their office, so instead of wasting time and heading towards their bedrooms to make sure everyone is asleep I make my way to the stairs.

The second my foot lands on the steps a loud creak fills the house.

Are you kidding me? Their house is newer than mine! How do they already have stairs that creak? Is that even possible? Holding my breath I look over my shoulder and wait for lights to flash on, for doors to open and for them to call me out on my spying.

One minute. Two minutes.

Everything stays dark and everything stays closed. I let out a breath of relief before continuing down the stairs quietly. Careful to make sure none of them creak under my weight. Once I'm down and past the treacherous stairs I make my way down the hall to their office.

At least, I think it's the hall that leads to their office. Everything looks so different in the dark. It doesn't help that I'm not used to their house and during the tour even as I tried my best to pay attention, to note anything of importance, Sam went so fast it felt like my head was going to fly off.

Sliding up to the door I hold my hand up to the scanner. It takes a moment before the word denied pops up. It flashes before my eyes in big red letters. I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to just walk in but it was worth a shot. I open my screen and swipe through all the useless apps I have so that if anyone were to go on here they would be scrolling for miles looking for anything useful. I reach the opening that I'm looking for. The icon is one of those old time locks with the rounded metal part popped up and out of the square part of the lock. Once the app is open it brings me to a keypad. I quickly tap in my code, looking over my shoulder after doing so to make sure I'm still alone.

I tap my chip and it pops open to let loose a wire. Sliding my other hand along the door, just under the scanner I find the panel that will pop open and let me plug in my cord. All the newer houses have one of these. My aunt showed it to me over facetime as a sort of training of what to expect in these kinds of houses. It's a failsafe, so if the door ever decides to not open, or no longer works with the paired DNA the owner or user can plug in their cord from their chip and viola, get in.

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