Five: Emma

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I didn't know houses could be this big. And somehow it keeps getting bigger. The more rooms Samantha shows me the farther my jaw drops. It's a two-floor house with a basement, but the basement is off limits. The main floor is open concept with the dinning room, kitchen and living room. There's also not one, but two bathrooms down there with two studies. But Samantha says one is used for storage. How can people have room for a storage room in their house?

The upper level, which you can get to by either stairs or an elevator. An elevator? Who has an elevator in their house? Why do they have one? Anyways, the upper level has all the bedrooms and the full bathrooms. Even a playroom/game room for the children. Samantha shows me the play/game room first as it's closet to the stairs. It's huge, with a corner filled with toys, an L shaped sofa and a wall-sized holo tv. Against the wall with the door is a display case with all their games and movies. My mouth drops at the sight of it.

"You still have dvds?" I run my fingers along the spines of their cases.

Samantha shrugs. "My father collects them."

I raise a brow and turn to face her. "Your father? Really? I thought for sure he'd be the type to throw old stuff out."

She shakes her head. "Nope. Not vintage technology at least. That's what fills up most of the storage room. Mother hates it." She smirks as she explains the last part.

"Sounds like you enjoy annoying your mom."

Her smile drops. "Why would you say that?"

"Oh? You don't enjoy bugging her?" I drop my hand back to my side.

"I mean... I don't not like bugging her." She rubs her arm and tears her gaze from mine.

"Is that so?" A sly smile sneaks onto my face. It is so easy to bug this girl.

"Are you done yet?"

Samantha jumps towards the door where her little brother sticks his head in. He gives her a set of puppy dog eyes. "I wanna show Emma my room!"

Samantha sighs and turns to me. "You heard him. After he shows you his room I'll take you to yours."

I nod. "Thanks."

Jax runs into the room and grabs my hand. "Come on, Emma!"

I laugh. "I'm coming! I'm coming!"

I let Jax hold my hand as he leads me to his room. The doors slide open in silence, and just as we step in the lights turn on. My mouth drops open. They have automatic lights? I wish. He drops my hand and runs to his bed, not even hesitating before jumping on to it and continuing his bounces on it. He throws his arms open. "Welcome to Jax's kingdom!"

My mouth continues to hang open. This kid is spoiled. He's got toys spilled around the floor. On one side is a dollhouse and on the other is a huge race track for toy cars. In the middle of his room are some bean bags sitting around a gaming console. I wish I could have had even half this set-up when I was his age.

"Wanna see the best part?" he asks. He hops off his bed and heads to the walling beside his bed. He presses a panel. Before I can ask what he's doing the panel slips away to reveal a candy stash. He spins around, a kiddy wicked grin on his face. "Want some?"

I shake my head. My voice is lost somewhere between my childhood and his room. Does he even realize how lucky he is? Probably not. "This is amazing, Jax, but I think I'm going to go find Samantha and get her to show me my room. Okay?"

His smile drops and he hangs his head. Please don't pull out the puppy dog eyes. But instead he waddles over to me and places his head against my leg. Then he turns up. "Please don't leave." He juts out his bottom lip.

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