Nine: Sam

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As I slip out of my shoes I ask Emma if she'd like a snack.

She shakes her head. "No thanks. I think I'll just go rest before supper."

"Alright. I'll get Jax to get you when supper's ready."

She manages a smile. "Thank you." The bags under her eyes look bigger than they did this morning.

I nod. "Welcome."

"I want a snack!" Jax demands as he kicks his shoes off.

I roll my eyes. "You'll still get your snack."

Emma chuckles as she leaves the entryway and up the stairs.

"What's the snack today?" Jax stands there staring up at me.

"I won't tell you until you put your shoes away." He crosses his arms and sticks his bottom lip out. A smile tugs at my lip as I start to make my way to the stairs instead of the kitchen. "Welp, I guess if someone wants to be pouty then they don't get snack time." I turn my back to him and count to three.

"Wait! Look, they're away!"

I spin around to find Jax tossing his shoes into the cubby. It's as good as I'll get. "Awesome! Looks like snack time is back on!"

He cheers and makes a dash for the kitchen like snack time will just disappear. I shake my head but follow after him. As I walk in he's struggling to crawl onto one of the stools at the island. "Do you need some help?"

"No! I can climb!" He lifts his one leg up, just barely reaching the cushion of the stool.

I chuckle and head over to the pantry. Opening it I take in the different types of cookies we have, the granola bars, cereal, fruit roll-ups and gummies. "What do you want?" I ask him over my shoulder.

"Cookies and gummies!" he cries.

"Great choice." I grab a box out and take two packets of gummies from that and then grab the cookie container and bring it over to the island. After handing Jax his pack of gummies I grab two napkins and give us each three cookies before returning the cookies back to their home.

We eat in silence for the first bit while I try to think of how to propose my question to him. He plays around with the gummies and makes one 'eat' his cookie.

"Hey, Jax."

"Yeah?" he asks without stopping his gummy from eating more of his cookies.

"Would you want to do a favor for your favorite sister?"

He looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. "You're my only sister."

I stick out my bottom lip. "Does that mean I'm not your favorite?"

He shakes his head. "No! You are the favorite!"

"Awesome. So would you do that favor for me?"

"What's the favor?"

"Would you be able to keep Emma busy while we're at home?"

"Like play with her?"

I nod. "Sure. You can show her all your toys, watch some movies with her or even take her to the playground."

His eyes light up. "That sounds like fun!"

"I'm sure it will be. And do you want to know a secret?" He nods, his head bouncing up and down so fast it looks like his eyes are about to fall out. I lean over the counter and he copies me, but doesn't reach very far. "I heard that Emma loves to play with cars and dolls."

His eyes light up even more, which I didn't think was possible. "Really?" he whispers.

I nod.

"Emma and me are going to have so much fun!"

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