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My heal leaves the passenger floor hitting the cobble stone, my nerves more extended than before.

My nails are complimented with a beautiful black but I am still picking at my cuticles overly exerted with stress and anxiety, wondering where and when the piece of information that ties me to needing to be here comes in. 

Harry comes around to me, his elbow out for me to grab, wrapping my arm around his, he smiles, helping my nerves a little. 

We walk up the steps, and the only thing that makes me feel sane is his cologne, it being the only thing around me feeling normal. 

We walk in and this place is not like other parties, it doesn't look like any of these people kill for a living, though I'm sure some do, but it's a ball. My eyes capture everything and I begin to feel almost dizzy from everything. 

The high vault ceilings make the place feel bigger then it is, which it doesn't need help doing, this place is huge, there's a bar in the middle, the whole place is gold accented with rose gold, every window covered with beautiful large pink curtains that look of silk. 

The place is decorated like a ball, everyone looking like pure money, my eyes catch Liam and Kimberly. As soon as they catch, the sense of more familiarity, I try to unlatch, we're not supposed to know each other. 

Harry knows this Jonathan Anatello, after I cooled myself off during the drive he told me he always had a weird feeling about him and never gravitated close to him, after finding this out about him he knew not to let him anywhere near his secrets. that meant not knowing the people he knew.

Including me. 

We walk in and I keep my arm in his as I continue to follow him, I head with him and our heels head towards the bar, he looks at me with question in his eyes and I nod, knowing what he's gonna ask. 

"What can I get you guys?" The bartender asks, he's in full black, his whole outfit being silk and a black towel on his shoulder.

"I'll get your smoothest whiskey, neat." He looks over me and his lip curves. "And this young lady will take a cherry moon." I look down at my cuticles my finger nail is nervously ripping at. I look back up to see the bartender making my drink, I turn my head over to the scene around me, trying to completely understand where I am. 

The place has stories, There's so many people in each area, I don't understand how we're suppose to understand where he is. I'm scared were never gonna find him. 

"I almost forgot." I turn when his accent reaches my ears, My back is leaning against the bar as he towers over me, he puts his hand in his pocket for a moment until he takes it out he has me pushed against this bar, capsuled around his being. 

His hand comes up to me, reaching near my ear until he pushes my hair back with his pointer, I'm confused until I feel him put something in my ear, and once he does his lips come near my opposing ear. 

"Can't have you out of the loop this time love." His breath tickles my ear sending shivers down my spine. 

I hear the bartender put our drinks down but don't move, almost feeling like everything should stay still in this moment.

When he separates distance between us our eyes stay connected, something slightly seductive about it this time, he grabs his cup without looking and sips as he keeps the eye contact, I do the same I pick up my red cherry cocktail, sipping on it. 

"Okay Bonnie and Clyde get to work and stop snogging with your eyes." I hear the Irish accent in my ear and softly chuckle. 

"Shut the fuck up Horran." Harry's hand goes up to his ear when he says this. 

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