3 | credit: Ricococo

135 5 16

Repost because I didn't pasted whole of it help


With Vivi and Rico
Rico was fascinated about the island, wanting to learn more about it and it's history, but he also wanted to find a way out as quick as possible. Meanwhile, Vivi was talking about how she hates Roy (in a /s way) and how she's gonna make him come to this island once this was all over.
"I'm so glad we don't have to deal with R*y anymore! Poor Vanilla and Choco though, they still have to deal with that mf," Vivi said with mixed emotions, mostly pleasure though.
"Oh yeah, I agree," Rico muttered.
After that, Vivi kept talking about people like Dallas, while also making jokes about the situation they're currently in (we're ignoring the sinping part). Rico listened to Vivi while he was trying to figure out how to survive and eventually escape this deserted, unknown island.

With Fifi and Rouella

Fifi and Rouella were exploring the unfamiliar island. Rouella was still mad at Fifi, but not as mad as before. All they're focusing on now is to explore this island and use materials from it to get back.
"I'm hungry, isn't there anything to eat here," Fifi complained in a desperate tone.
"Of course there is. It's probably somewhere close," Rouella said while trying not to make Fifi worry.
"Okay, I guess I'll try to find some food. After that, I'll report back to you, okay?"
"Hm, okay."
Fifi walked off while Rouella continued to find some supplies to help them get back. Fifi walked with a huge grin on her face.

With ELA
ELA was gathered by a coconut tree, eating every single bite she could. If she wanted to survive, she needed to take advantage of what's already there. While there, she longed to get Discord back once she got home. After not being active for a month because her computer broke, she wanted to go back to the chaos happening on Discord. She didn't want to, she needed to. Suddenly, ELA heard footsteps behind her, but from who...?
ELA turned around and saw Fifi walking towards her.
"Fifi, I thought you were with Rouella," ELA said curiously.
"Oh, I am. I'm just getting supplies, that's all!"
"It's not that deep-"
Fifi took ELA's knife without her noticing and hid the knife in her pocket.
"What do you need exactly...?"
"I guess some food right now. Oh look, a coconut tree!"
Fifi walked to the coconut tree and picked some coconuts off it. ELA watched but didn't complain since she knew others needed food as well.
"WHAT, BUT I NEEDED THOSE..." ELA said in a sarcastic but upset tone. Once she said that, she couldn't see Fifi. She decided not to question it, knowing she probably only needed some food for her and Rouella.

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