8 | credit : Rico

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They all thought for a moment, until ELA realized what she just said.

"Oh HELP, I'm sorry Vivi, I thought you were talking about how bright it was when I first slept," ELA said, laughing it off.

"LOL it's okay," Vivi responded.

"We figured out what we're gonna sleep on, now what about specifically where we're gonna sleep," Rouella asked to the group.

They thought for a second. Then, Rico answered.

"I think I saw some place by a tree we could sleep by."

He pointed west, showing a few trees which looked like they can provide enough shade for the night and for naps during the day. There was also some type of fur by the trees which they assumed were left from the previous people there. Those would make for good blankets for sure.

"Hm, interesting. Alright, we'll go there," Rouella said calmly.

"Me too!"

Vivi ran to the trees, grabbed on of the fur-looking blankets, and laid down. Everyone else did the same, but there was something strange. That's what ELA noticed.

"Guys, I feel like we're missing someone from our group."

The 4 of them looked around and they couldn't spot a certain someone there.

"I don't see Fifi anywhere. Did she go to get something?" Rico asked.

"I don't know. I guess she did. I'll go find where she is, ok?" Rouella said, hoping to calm down the situation.

"Yes pls," Vivi responded.

Rouella got up, looked away from the group, and walked away. She'll be back soon, right?

With Fifi (starting from when she walked away)


Fifi was getting bored of the group talking about a place to sleep. She walked away from the group, heading more east. Over east, there was flat land and mostly sand. Fifi paused for a moment and enjoyed the peaceful breeze. She then decided to lay down. The island was peaceful around this time. That's how she liked it. Then, she heard something. There was something behind her, or someone. The person's face seemed to be invisible. Fifi immediately got up and grabbed ELA's knife she kept on her.

"Who are you," Fifi demanded.

"Chill, it's me," the person responded.

Without thinking, Fifi stabbed the person in the chest. The person dropped dead on the ground. Fifi looked at the person's face and was in shock. It was... Rouella. No, it can't believe. Fifi can't believe it. She stabbed her friend. All for self defense. Fifi quickly calmed down and thought of a few questions. How will she hide the body? Will the others know? Will she get killed because of it? Those thoughts ran through her mind until she decided to hide the body. She grabbed Rouella's dead, cautious body and hid it in some bush. That'll be good for hiding for a few days, right? This wasn't part of the plan. It was suppose to happen a few days from now. Well, it already happened and there was no turning back now.

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