15 | credit : rico

59 3 11

TW: Blood, stabbing, choking, drowning

With... Rouella?


Rouella walked away the suddenly ran. It looked like she was running from something. She didn't know when to stop but people couldn't see her alive like this. She needed to get back as quickly as possible. She didn't wanna get hurt. Who knows what type of damage would be done to her if she didn't. But it had to be done. Soon, Fifi will be crying to the other two about "Rouella" stabbing her in the eye, she thought. Perfect, just like how she planned.

A few minutes of running later, she arrived back where Rouella's body was when she took control (the thing is, she could only control Rouella and the others only once. During that time when it's in another person's body besides its main "target", the longer you stay in the body, the more damage it does to that spirit). Now, time to make it look like Rouella was killed recently. She got the knife from her pocket and stabbed her "body" in the neck a few times until the body passed out. Then, she returned.

With Fifi


Fifi was still in shock that Rouella came back and stabbed her in the eye. But, wasn't she dead? This wasn't making sense to Fifi. Now, she was crying her eyes out. Maybe this killing people to survive wasn't as fun as it seemed at first. Now, she was a target of Rouella. But she needed to get back to Vivi and Rico before they worried about where she was first. She walked back south to where they were and started to rest again. Saygex, Vivi's second personality, looked at Fifi and chuckled a little before falling asleep again.

The next morning, with Fifi, Vivi, and Rico


It was the next morning. Fifi woke up, along with Vivi. Vivi was exhausted, but she didn't know exactly why. Then, she noticed the scar on Fifi's eye.

"Fifi! What happened to your eye? It looks damaged," Vivi asked while looking slightly worried for Fifi and her health.

"Oh, that! Well, uhm, last night, while I was trying to find food, a tree branch scratched me in the eye, that's all," Fifi said, trying to calm Vivi down.


"The branch was just too sharp, that's all."

"Hm, okay."

Then, Rico woke up. Before he could say anything about Fifi's eyes, she immediately told him the same thing she told Vivi. He was a little skeptical at first, but ended up not questioning it.

"So, should we split up or stay together?" Rico asked to the remaining people of the group.

"We should split up. That way, we can do our own things to survive and maybe we can discover something too," Fifi responded.

"Yeah! That sounds good!"

Then, Vivi paused for a second and ran away. Rico and Fifi didn't question it and went their separate ways.

With Vivi


Vivi didn't know why she was running but she was. And she was heading towards the ocean. No matter how hard she tried to stop running, it seemed like she couldn't. Then finally, she was at the beach shore. She stared at the ocean for a while. She should continue exploring this area, right? So she did. But it was something strange. She wasn't walking across the shore, she was walking right towards the ocean. What was going on? But then she realized something. She remembered what Saygex said last night.

"I'm doing this all for us..."

Also, she was suspiciously too mad at Vivi last night. Wait... was Saygex trying to drown her? No. This can't be. But she needed answers now.

The next morning, with Fifi, Vivi, and Rico


It was the next morning. Fifi woke up, along with Vivi. Vivi was exhausted, but she didn't know exactly why. Then, she noticed the scar on Fifi's eye.

"Fifi! What happened to your eye? It looks damaged," Vivi asked while looking slightly worried for Fifi and her health.

"Oh, that! Well, uhm, last night, while I was trying to find food, a tree branch scratched me in the eye, that's all," Fifi said, trying to calm Vivi down.


"The branch was just too sharp, that's all."

"Hm, okay."

Then, Rico woke up. Before he could say anything about Fifi's eyes, she immediately told him the same thing she told Vivi. He was a little skeptical at first, but ended up not questioning it.

"So, should we split up or stay together?" Rico asked to the remaining people of the group.

"We should split up. That way, we can do our own things to survive and maybe we can discover something too," Fifi responded.

"Yeah! That sounds good!"

Then, Vivi paused for a second and ran away. Rico and Fifi didn't question it and went their separate ways.

With Vivi


"Saygex, are you there? I'm getting kind of scared..."

"Oh don't worry Vivi! This will all be over soon! I'm doing this for us, for everyone."

Saygex's spirit laughed.


"Oh Vivi, I like how you're so naive. You clearly don't remember what society did to you."

"What do you mean-"

Suddenly, Vivi felt her hands around her throat. Then, she noticed that she was deep underwater. Vivi panicked, trying to make her hands let go of her throat and swim back up to shore but it seemed like she couldn't. It felt impossible for her to do. She was losing oxygen faster than she thought. Will this be how she dies? No, she can't die now. She can't.

"Goodbye Vivi! I hope you enjoy the rest of your life!"

Saygex chuckled then stopped talking. Then, Vivi's incautious body was floating in the ocean.

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