5 | credit: rico

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With Fifi and Rouella


Fifi walked back to where Rouella was, holding the coconuts in her hand. Rouella looked at her, and paused what she was doing.

"So it seems like you actually did find food," Rouella tried to say in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, yeah. It was over there."

Fifi points to a northern direction from where she was standing.

"Interesting, I may check it out."

"Yeah, there's tons of coconuts there! I recommend it."

Fifi drops the coconuts by Rouella and sits down beside her. She sees that Rouella has started to gather wood and leaves together, possibly to escape.

"I see you're starting to work on your 'escape plan,' Fifi teasingly told Rouella.

"Not yet. For now, at least, we should work on making places to sleep. We don't know how long we'll be here for, yk?"

"Yeah, you have a point."

In Fifi's mind, she was planning on something. Something intense. But, would she actually do it? Of course. She needed to. It's the only way of survival, right? This nightmare will be over for sure! But she'll have to wait a couple days until she can start it for good. It would be too suspicious if she did it immediately. Maybe they would kill her too. Who knows.

With ELA


ELA was clearly bored out of her mind. She was already full from eating tons of coconuts for the last 30 minutes. She tried to take a nap but the sun blinded her eyes. In the island's conditions, it's hard to take a nap during the day because of how bright the sun is. She thought for a moment, then had an idea. She got up from where she was resting and walked off.

With Vivi and Rico


Vivi stopped talking and realized what she said to Rico.

"I'm so sorry pookie bear (/p), it was my STATEHUMANSSAYGEX personality that called your designs dilfs," Vivi said in a sincere, but sarcastic tone.

"It's okay, I know you," Rico said, brushing off what Vivi had told him.

After that, Vivi went back to insulting Cindy, her troll personality.

After a few minutes of Vivi bullying Cindy, they heard footsteps behind them. Vivi panicked a little but Rico tried to stay calm.

"When are you gonna show me your hot League of Lezhe again," ELA randomly said, as she stood beside Rico.

"Where did you come from...?"

"I was getting bored of being alone, so I joined you guys uwuwuwu."

"Hot," Vivi jokingly said.

"Ikr," ELA replied.

ELA thought for a moment and decided to tell Rico something.

"I actually brought up your dilf OCs first..."

"I know."

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