12 | credit : rico

43 5 1

TW: Mentions of blood and stab wounds

With Vivi


Vivi stared at ELA's body in the coconut tree for a long time, trying to process what happened. Who would do this to such a kind, young soul? All Vivi remembers is just hanging out in the coconut tree and then suddenly seeing ELA dead on the ground. She doesn't even remember what happened for the last 30 seconds of her life. Whatever, it's not like anyone would notice another member gone. Vivi walked away from the coconut tree.

With Fifi and Rico


Fifi and Rico were walking around for a little but, trying to look for ELA and Vivi.

"Do you know where Vivi and ELA could be? You're the one who know them the best," Fifi asks to Rico.

"I keep hearing them talk about coconut trees, maybe they're there?" Rico suggested.

"Oh yeah, true! But which one? I've already seen like four coconut trees already around here."

"Hm, there's a specific one ELA and Vivi like. They say it provides tons of shade. We'll check there first, okay?"

Fifi hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed.

"Oh, don't worry Fifi, it's not that far from here. It's straight ahead."

"Hm, okay!"

The both of them walked straight ahead until they saw what appeared to be the coconut tree ELA and Vivi always hung out around. It was unusually quiet. Maybe too quiet. Fifi didn't thin that was strange but Rico did.

"Strange, there's usually tons of noise coming from this area."

Rico looked around to see if he could spot anyone. To him, it sounded like someone was trying to play a prank on him. He was expecting one of them to come out and mention his designs.

"Maybe they left? Just a suggestion," Fifi asked while Rico was still looking around.

"No, they're always here. It's basically their comfort spot at this point."

"If you say so."

While Rico was searching basically every hiding place in existence, Fifi noticed something at the top of the coconut tree. It didn't seem to look like a coconut. It looked like... someone's foot. Fifi started to panic, not knowing if that was where she hid Rouella or not. Either way, she didn't want Rico to see what was up there. She immediately climbed up the tree, trying not to fall as a result, attempting to figure out what was up there. After a few minutes, she finally reached the top but when she saw the body, it wasn't who she expected it to be. It appeared to look like ELA.

ELA had a huge bruise on the front of her face and they were cut marks all around her neck. The cuts look like they were freshly made. Seeing this, Fifi was horrified, seriously horrified. She didn't know if she should show Rico or not but decided that since he's still trying to look for them, she might as well tell him the truth now.

"Uhm, I found ELA..." Fifi muttered in a uneasy tone before eventually dropping ELA's body to the ground, just so it can be easier for her to climb down.

Rico heard the crashing sound and turned around, just to see ELA's tortured body laid there. He didn't know how to react so he just stood there in shock for a few minutes while Fifi struggled to get down from the tree. A couple minutes later, Fifi finally climbed out of the tree and was about to explain to Rico what she saw.

"I'm sorry that you have to see her like this. I found her up there in that tree. I thought she was relaxing up there but no, I saw her brutally murdered. I don't know who would do such a thing but it's seriously getting me sick in the stomach."

Fifi felt all sorts of emotions in her. Without thinking, she ran away, hoping to get her mind off it. Rico continued to stare at her with shock, still having no idea how he should be reacting right now.

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