14 | credit : fifi

56 3 9

TW: Stabbing and Blood

With Rouella. (Shocking!1?1!)


She immediately woke up and started breathing rapidly she looked around and realised she was no longer were she was, but rather somewhere else. She looked at herself and saw that her hair and clothes was now covered in a gooey black liquid that was pouring on her face. She looked at herself and saw a stab wound. Only one thing came to her mind. Fifi stabbed her. She got very pissed off now. She stood up angrily and head off to search for Fifi to teach her a lesson.

With Fifi.


She sighed as she ran away, she decided to sit down and think about what happened to Ela, she was supposed to kill her... not someone else! She heard a branch crack and she immediately looked behind her and got out the knife again and spoke up.


The person got closer to her and said something, though it wasn't very audible because of the goo.

"You fucking stabbed me. FOR NO REASON!!!!"

And that's when Fifi realised that the person was actually Rouella. Fifi look pretty scared and worried now, as she tried backing away here back hit a tree. She pulled her knife closer to Rouella.

"Back off." Fifi said.

"And why would I?! You stabbed me and you expect me to do nothing about it?!"

Fifi gulps in fear and tries to escape but Rouella doesn't let her.Rouella graps the knife quickly before Fifi could notice.

"Hey!! Give that back right now!!"

Fifi was getting more scared as each second went by.

"No. It's time I teach you a lesson."

Before Fifi could respond, Rouella stabbed her in her left eye, a lot blood dripping down from her eye.


Fifi's eyes started tearing up as she looked at the blood pouring out of her left eye as she was muttering curse words in Arabic to herself.
Rouella said nothing, but rather just smirked at Fifi's pain and just walked away as if nothing happened.Fifi stared at her as she started crying silently to herself.

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