Winchesters on vacations

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A/N all works go the their respected companies and Directors and Authers.

Sam and Dean Winchester decided before the next world ending event that they need a break. So they go down to New Orleans for Drinks and relaxing. But when with the Winchesters is it ever relaxing. Sam," can we put on ( looks at Dean) some music". Dean," Sammy already did. And Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his cake hole". 
As " Highway to hell plays". Sam looks out the road," So we hang out relax and drink?? No demon deals, supernatural fights or anything"?? Dean," No Sammy. All relaxing. We just saved the world again we need a break for at least three days". Sam," did you call Castiel"?? Dean," no I did not call Cas. He has enough with Lucifer and Balthazar gone missing". Sam," yeah not good. But hey they will be out of our hair". Dean," still need to cut it Sam. Just give me a few minutes'. Sam,' no Dean. I'm good. Let's just go on with the vacation". Dean," yes"!!!

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