Kol wants to have a Drink

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Kol Mikaelson the now youngest son of Mikael just wanted to have a drink because Nik and Lijah were at it again with a fight for Hayley. That werewolf oh his bad hybrid needs to pick a brother. She is worse then Katherine and the other one Elena. So he goes to mess with Camille. Kol walks into the bar and sees as his eye were deceiving him his Father drinking with a man in a suit. His suit is better then Elijah's!! What the hell is going on??? Kol," Father how are you always coming back"??? Lucifer and Balthazar look around. Lucifer," Another person with Daddy issues. Come sit with us we understand". Kol," my father is next to you". Lucifer," Balthazar you fathered a Nephielm???? How unlike you. I'm impressed". Kol " Balthazar??? No Mikael"!! Balthazar," Michael Fathered Nephielm"?? Lucifer," oh my. That's a new one". Kol," well..... wait. Balthazar your name is Balthazar??? As in an Angel of the lord"??? Balthazar," yes and this is my brother Lucifer". Lucifer," Lucifer Morningstar and you are"?? Kol," Kol Mikaelson. You are the devil? Or just the name"?? Lucifer," God given I'm afraid. So Father issues sit tell us all about it". Kol sit," Camille please drinks". Camie," coming up. Is that"?? Kol," No". Camie," okay". Lucifer," So you tell us your issues we share some of ours sound fair"? Kol," sure. So it all started 1000 years ago. And my mom having an affair. We lost a brother. Became vampires and I lost my magic. Our father hunted us because of Nik and I got daggered more times then not. And now we are here". Lucifer," dad dumped me in hell left from What I heard and has been missing since. And the world almost ended but was saved because of Two brothers". Balthazar," cliff notes got it. Unsank a hated ship. Unpopularlized a celebrity singer and had to put everything back". Lucifer " what ship"?? Balthazar," Titanic". Lucifer," will you not ever not like that movie"??? Balthazar," No". Kol," So what brings you down here? Or is it up?? Hell would be a down grade". Lucifer," it is. But Los Angeles actually. Lived there for two years now". Balthazar," I bounce around". Kol," well Lucifer my Brother Nik thinks he's the Devil in discise. What would you say to that".

   Lucifer," there is only one devil and that's me"

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   Lucifer," there is only one devil and that's me". Balthazar,'Calm down Lucifer. We don't need those Winchesters to catch wind you us".
Kol," hunters"?? Lucifer," a headache actually. But yes. And they are good at their jobs Crowley is dealing with them this time". Kol," wow. Okay. So we won't have you meet Nikki then". Balthazar," that would be for the best".

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