So a car, a sibling and a parent

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Klaus looks," you would kill for a car"? Dean," yes and my brother". Elijah seems to agree," I agree with the brother part but the car"? Sam," has been in the family long before us". Balthazar smiles,' rumor has it Dean had a piece of an Angel in. The back seat". Dean," not a rumor". Spike," how does that work. I mean a screwed a slayer". Angel," MY BUFFY"! ( buffy summer," this is why  we don't sleep with vampires that know eachother people! They compare. Yes I'm looking at you Mistic falls,") castiel looked," Anna if I'm not mistaken". Lucifer," well a Winchester took a piece of angel food cake and castiel has his green monster out and Balthazar why look at Dean that way"? Balthazar," THE FLIGHT INSTRUCTER THAT I HAD A CRUSH ON"! Dean," you snooze you lose". Balthazar," she left"! Kol," I thought Angel can't do that stuff"? Balthazar," no we aren't but daddy dear dropped of Lucifer and went to get milk and never came back. He went and hit the road". Elijah," who's been watching heaven"? Spike," heaven? Who have people been praying too". Castiel and Balthazar," Ralphiel". Lucifer," what Michael can't control heaven serves him right. Twins we are and a headache to boot". Dean," at least yours doesn't have a secret kid somewhere". Elijah," are hunted us". Balthazar," dad left a book but didn't leave the how to Manual. And now the world ends a second time".

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