Spike feels Vampire napped

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Spike or William as some call him feels like the bloody poof or Angel or Liam or Angelus vampire napped him because buffy their beloved slayer died again. That girl dies to much for his taste. But such is lie. So Angel and Spike ( unwillingly) go for a break. ( LIKE HE WOULD WANT TO GO ANYWHERE WITH LIAM WITHOUT WANTING TO STAKE HIM) But such is life. Spike," Liam I want to know where you are taking me?? Vlad owes me 1000 quid still and I need to collect". Angel who knew this was coming," William we are going to New Orleans so we can relax and Talk". Spike," drink it dry I love it Liam. You do know me. Hopefully find a pretty something to drain". Angel," No. It's full of Supernatural beings already". Spike," well another hellmound".( Quite literally there Spike. The devil is in town).

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