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You had been laying on the deck of the Ship for quite some time now, feeling numb. Numb to the sun that pierced through your eyes, the dry feeling of your throat and to the pain in your heart. Although you respected Zoro's feelings, you still couldn't get your head around his words. Had you really interpreted all the signs so wrong? Like, he was the one who kissed your hand, and pulled you onto his lap, he was the one to get jealous and he was the one who eventually kissed you. Your mind wandered off for a second , thinking back to that moment, until the tingling feeling in your stomach got too intense.

He had told you about his experiences with woman , as if he wanted you to know that he is inexperienced with admitting to each other . And still? He can't keep up with "A womans shit"??

"Asshole" you thought to yourself grinding your teeth together .

You heard some shy steps behind you , making you turn your head . It felt like you hadn't moved your body in ages .

"ughhhh" you grunted rubbing your neck,while sitting up straight.

It was Luffy.

"(y/n) , dinner is ready..do..do you wanna come?" he asked quietly looking to the floor, once again reminding you of a little kid.

You couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. It wasn't his fault that Zoro behaved the way he did.

"Yeah if you'll help me up?" you grinned , holding your hand out for him. His smile grew widely as he stretched his arm to loop around your waist, yeeting you over his shoulder.

"HEYY" you exclaimed, both surprised and amused. "I don't think that's necessary Captain".

He carried you anyways, all the way to the dining room until he placed you down on your seat next to Chopper who was nervously fiddling with a peace of tissue .

"Dr.Chopper, do you think there is a medicine against being a shit dick?"you asked in a serious tone.

He looked up at you in fear , already about to have a mental breakdown .

"Because i believe our greenie needs some" you smiled warmly , making Chopper exhale in relieve and the rest of the crew chuckle.

"You need energy (y/n)-san, please eat. " Sanji stated , placing your food in front of you . You didn't need to be asked twice since you were actually starving . The room was more quiet than usual , making you look at the empty seat at the head of the table. You swallowed thickly . This was not how it's supposed to be . You had already caused so much trouble among'st the crew, just because you had to fall for their fucking swordsman. You felt a hand covering your own making to turn your gaze to Robin who was looking at you knowingly. This woman really had a sixth sense for feelings.

"Stop worrying so much. He'll come around" she exclaimed plainly, making you immediately feel better about yourself .

"She's right (Y/n). That shit dick is the only one who misbehaved" Nami winked . You didn't respond since you didn't actually like having everyone think so bad of him . You felt like they have never truly talked to him . Instead you just nodded trying to tell yourself that they were right. That's when you heard muffled steps from outside, and a very well known grunt, making you immediately freeze in your place . The door opened revealing a very grumpy looking Zoro who seemed to be soaking wet . You didn't even notice that it had started to rain outside. His hair drew droplets of water that would make their way down his forehead only to get caught by his long lashes. You hated it, but he looked breathtaking . Having to force yourself to look away, you felt heat creep up to your ears and a stinging pain in your chest . Everyone's eyes were on him , creating a very uncomfortable silence .

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