Chapter 2 - Ramona babes

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Today was moving day.
Considering all the stress of moving, I was super excited, Texas was just not right for me anymore.
I had all of my stuff sent to my new apartment in Staten Island, and all I needed to do now was get to the airport and get myself back home.
The flight wasn't meant to be too long, about three and a half hours - so I was planning to spend it napping and delving into my book.

Then a sudden realisation hit me.
The last I knew, Sal and the rest of the guys still lived in Staten Island. How had I not thought of this before? Me and Ivy had not spoken about them over text the past few weeks, I wasn't sure wether she was still close to them.
Excitement and fright came all over me, a strange mix of emotions.
'Maybe I should contact them?'
My thoughts were racing. I decided to dismiss them the best I could and sleep for the rest of the flight - but the thought of Sal kept creeping back into my mind, and I had this feeling at the pit of my stomach, that I just longed to see him again.

I got off the flight and made my way into the airport to collect my luggage. Searching for my bag didn't take too long, once I spotted it I decided to text Ivy to let her know I was here.

I stood outside the airport waiting for Ivy, I had no idea what car she had, so I wasn't sure what to look out for. I knew what she looked like though, I followed her on Instagram still and she was exactly how I remembered her. She has dark luscious hair, that was almost always curled, her eyes were a bright gleaming blue and she was very tall, I always used to be jealous as I was very small and stumpy.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge range rover estate pulled up infront of me, and to my surprise, Ivy was sat in the front seat waving like mad at me.
I instantly grinned and made my way to the car.
"RAMONAAAAAAAA BABES" Ivy screamed as she slammed her car door and made her way over to me.
"IVYYYY" I screamed right back at her.
Just like old times. It felt like I hadn't been gone a single day.
We hug by her car for ages, small talking about the flight and about old times.

She put my case into her trunk and we set off towards my new apartment.

"So tell me about it?" Ivy asked, referring to my new apartment here in Staten Island.
"Okay well" I began. "My new manager at the museum I'm working for, told me about an apartment down the street from there - but there was no way I could afford it. So they agreed to pay half for me, as long as I paid the museum back over time. So I guess I got lucky!"

"Holy shit, I wish my work place did that for me" Ivy laughed. "I'm still living at home, but my parents are planning to move out soon, so I get the place to myself."

"Sounds good! The apartment is meant to be nice, but I haven't seen much of it"

"Guess we'll just have to find out, then" she smiled at me.

We drove further into Staten Island, and finally pulling into my new street. I noticed the museum at the very end, and I felt my mood instantly brighten.
"Ramona, can we please stop unpacking? I feel like I'm dying" Ivy complained while sprawling out on the floor.
"Come on, just a few more boxes" I begged. I hated mess.
The apartment was bigger than I expected and beautifully designed. The living room was spacious, so was the kitchen and my room was just the perfect size with a petite on-suite. My guest room was also big, I hoped Ivy would stay there a lot, I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.

After a while of unpacking, Ivy turned to me and looked like she wanted to tell me something, but felt awkward about it. "You know that I'm still close to Sal and the guys...right? I hope you don't mind. I know you haven't spoken to them much since you left..."

"No I didn't, but I'm glad you are, I kinda miss them, a lot. I only occasionally speak to Q, but I guess you know that." I told her.

"It sucked that you had to leave. You and sal were-" I cut her off;
"Come on we need to finish unpacking" I pointed to the few boxes left on the floor.
She took the hint and stopped talking.

After a while she got my attention again. "Hay, Ramona?"

"Don't call me that, call me Rie ((pronounced 'ree')),like you used too" I laughed. "Nobody has called me that In years, my aunt refused"

"Okay, Rie, I..uh, basically..uh" she stuttered. "Me and Q are a...'thing', sorta, maybe..." She finally told me.

Her and Q always were very close, but this was a complete surprise - a good one.

"Seriously?! That is so cute, I'm so happy for you!" I beamed.
She told me everything about them, and that they had been officially a thing for just a few months.
"Yeah so, I told him you were coming back and he was super excited, but don't worry, I didn't tell any of the others, I wasn't sure if you would have wanted me too. Do you want me to text him to come round, so you guys can catch up?" She questioned.
I wanted to say yes, but I couldn't help but feel highly anxious, it had been a very long time since I had saw him. I couldn't believe she was still close with them all, and it gave me serious hope about seeing Sal again.
"Yeah sure" I smiled.
She texted Q and apparently, he was on his way.

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