Chapter 13 - night for celebrations

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The next morning was hectic, the bus wasn't fixed properly and Murr was going ape shit.
"We have nine hours. NINE HOURS. You get us to North Carolina on time otherwise I can't help but sue." I had never seen Murr so angry. The guys were getting sick and tired of him arguing but I knew he was just dedicated.
"C'mon Murr." I attempted to comfort him. "Let me get you some coffee"

I waved at the guys and took Murr to a near by Starbucks.
"Cappuccino and a frappe please, no caramel" I ordered whilst Murr insisted on paying. We took a seat.
"I don't intend to be so cranky and mean I just, I-I would feel so awful if we had to cancel a show."
"Yeah I know. Don't worry, we'll get you there" I reached across the table to grab his hand in comfort.


"Okay, bus is fixed. We'll make it in time!" The bus driver and the mechanic he had called stood at mine and Sals hotel room door.
The tour manager paid the mechanic, and we got back onto the buses and sped off towards North Carolina, as we didn't have that long.


The guys were getting psyched up for the show, whilst us girls were messing around in their dressing rooms.
"I can't believe Murr insists on wearing such expensive suits on stage, every show" Ivy giggled.

Emily shrugged; "He looks cute"


I didn't mean to roll my eyes so much at complete strangers, but when it came to the scarily obsessed fans, I couldn't help but do so.

"Can we have a photo of us kissing Sal? I love you so much!" A young, red haired girl blurted out, outside the guys tour bus where a small circle of fans were crowded.
"Uh, no sorry, I have a girlfriend" Sal looked over at me and smiled.
The girl got noticeably irritable, maybe even jealous.
"So? It's just a photo. You could do better anyway." She winked, very badly, at Sal.
This is when I rolled my eyes so much that it hurt. I couldn't count how many times I had heard this shit come out of a fans mouth. The fans on a whole are great, but when we came across these sort - I hated them so much.

"Look, I couldn't do better and I would never want to. Don't be rude about my girlfriend please, it's not appreciated." Sal turned away and stormed over to me, clearly annoyed.
"I hate when that happens." Sal said while crossing his arms tightly. "Sorry baby"
"Don't worry about it" I laughed. "She can get a load of this" I grabbed Sals face and made out with him , right there, right then. I heard many groans of disgust coming from the crowd of fans, but I couldn't care less.

--- next day --- Rie's POV ---
*Rie and Sal are chilling in the guy's bus with Joe and Murr. Brian and Ivy were out for a romantic date and Emily and Bessy were out at a coffee shop grabbing dinner*

My phone buzzed, I checked it and it was Ivy. "Excuse me guys, Ivy's calling"
"Tell her to bring us food back, they went to a fancy restaurant" Joe hollered.
"Sure" I went outside and answered.
"Hey Ive, sup?"
"You ever been to a wedding?" Ivy giggled on the other end of the line.
"Uhhh, sure, when I was young. Why?"
"Oh so you have never been a maid of honour?" Ivy continued to giggle.
"Nope?" I questioned. My eyebrows furrowed. "What's going on?"
"Be my maid of honour" I heard the smile in her voice. What?
"But you would have to be getting marri-oh. OH SHIT. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"
"Deadly!" I heard her screech.
Ivy was getting married! I was overwhelmed, I couldn't fathom it.
"Yes, yes I'll be your maid of honour!!" I began to cry, tears flowing from my eyes.
"I can't believe it. I'm so happy Rie, I love Brian so much" Ivy bawled.
"Come back so I can hug you!" I wiped away my tears and laughed.
"We're on our way."

I waited outside the bus for Ivy and Brian to get back, as I guessed Ivy and Brian would have wanted to announce the big news themselves.

Brian's car pulled up and a very smug Brian exited the car, followed by a very exited Ivy.
I ran over to them both and embraced them both.
"I'm so happy for you two!" I exclaimed.
"Thanks Ivy." They said in unison.

Brian took Ivy's hand and we all walked into the bus. The guys, Sal in particular  must have noticed the tears on mine and Ivy's face.
"Rie are you okay?!" Sal jumped up from his seat. His stare landed straight on Q. "What happened man, what happened to them?"
We all giggled and I calmed Sal down.
Ivy lifted up her hand to show off her beautifully crafted ring that Brian proposed with.
"NO WAY" Joe exclaimed.
"Holy SHIT" Sal high fived his best friend Brian and congratulated Ivy. The atmosphere was wonderful.
We made plans. The plans were to go announce the news to Emily and Bessy once they got back and then - hit the local bars to celebrate the proper way.

Emily and Bessy were in tears, much like I was when the found out the big news. I slipped into the back room of the bus which we used as a some-what 'dressing room'. I found my favourite pair of heels, grabbed my pencil skirt and my crop top. I quickly threw this all on and applied my make-up. The other girls were pretty much ready, already. They all looked stunning.

We met the guys at the local bar, they went a little bit earlier than us.
We all walked in arms linked and saw them at the bar.
"He's going to be such a good husband, I can't wait" Ivy squealed.
The guys' jaws dropped when the saw their ladies but we all just rolled our eyes and giggled.

The night went on and we went from bar to bar to bar - and I was more than drunk. My make up must be ruined by this point, I cried multiple times because I was so happy for Ivy and Q.
We all danced like crazy all night and it was he best night I had in ages.
{picture of Q&Sal in the media - at the bar.}

We all stumbled our way back to the buses and we all threw ourselves on our bunks. I basically passed out.

---- thanks for reading!! All feedback is appreciated. Q and Ivy are so cute uggggh! ----

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