Chapter 8 - beach night

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Rie's POV ----

"Come on" Sal took my hand and lead me out to his car. "Beach, right?"
"Yeah, sure"
The car ride was quiet, but it wasn't awkward.
" this a, date?" Sal asked nervously.
I laughed. "If you want it to be?"
"Then, yeah, it's a date." With that Sal pulled up and opened my car door.
He grabbed my hand and we made our way onto the breezy beach.
"I know why you brought me here" I smirked at Sal.
"Oh, so you remember huh?" Sal winked back at me.
How could I forget? This was where me and Sal had our first date, nearly ten whole years ago.
"And it's still just as beautiful" I reminisced.
"What? You? Oh yeah I know. You get better with age" Sal laughed while flirting with me.
"Hay!" I playfully shoved him. "We started on pretty bad terms again, start over?" I hoped Sal would agree.
"If it means I can take you out on another date, then one hundred times yes." Sal smirked.
" grew a beard then?" I giggled. "And got glasses!"
Sals face dropped. "Y-you don't like them?"
"Don't be silly - of course I do. They really suit you" I shot him a reassuring smile. They really did suit him.

We grabbed some food and talked about old times, I felt all of my feelings rush back for him, I knew it was silly as I've only seen him again twice but I couldn't help but feel like I was falling for him again.
We walked along the beach and I just wanted to grab his hand - which was absurd as we wasn't even together. He could be caught up in another girl for all I know.

"Want to come back to my place? We could watch a movie or something?" Sal asked.
My heart sunk. "I can't Sal, not today. I have my first day of work early tomorrow and it's already pretty late."
"That's alright, we'll just do it another time" Sal smiled. "I'll drive you home then?"
"If you don't mind"
We jumped in his car. I could feel him looking at me in the corner of my eye, my cheeks lit up a bright red. He pulled up to my drive and got out, and opened my car door for me.

"Tonight was lovely, thank you Sal. This has been a perfect way to come back home." I lent over and kissed his cheek.
"No problem. Sorry about being a dick to you..."
"Don't worry about it, we're starting over remember?" I giggled and made my way up to my door.
"Don't be a stranger, text me soon cutesie" with that Sal drove off.
I loved it when he used that nickname.
When night had fell I decided to make myself some coffee and snuggle up into bed, I put on the TV and to my delight - impractical jokers was showing. I laughed at all the stupid things they had to do, and nearly choked on my coffee at the punishment. It was the episode where It was Sal's punishment and the guys sent him through a haunted maze, Sal was so scared I couldn't help but find it adorable. I was so proud of my best friends for finally getting a TV show after years and years of hard work.

My phone vibrated. It was a text off Sal.
"Good luck at work tomorrow, thank you for a lovely evening. I'll see you soon x"
I had missed him so much.

---sorry it's so short!! Thanks for reading, all feedback is appreciated!----

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