Chapter 10 - bumper bitch

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---SAL'S POV---
It's a week after the camping trip with everyone, I cannot believe I snuggled up to Rie when I was sleeping - how embarrassing.
Joe text me asking if I wanted to go to the fair - the Staten Island fair was here again and it was one of our favourite places to go when we didn't have a filming day.

Joe and Bessy picked me up at 1 and we met everyone else there.
"Hay Sal." Rie smiled over at me.
"Hey Rie" I gave her a welcoming hug.
"Come on, I want to get you on the rides" she grabbed my hand and pulled me over to one of the biggest rides there.
"Uh-I, don't really like rides" I scratched my forehead and began to worry.
"Oh come on, I know you, you're not getting out of it that easily!" Rie got us two tickets and motioned for everyone else to come on it too.
"SEE?!" Rie squealed. "Wasn't that fun?!"
I beamed back at her "Yeah, it actually was!"
I never really liked rides, but this one wasn't too bad.
I saw Rie's face change to a confused look when I heard a familiar voice come from behind me.
"Sal?" Oh shit. It was my psycho ex-girlfriend, who I broke up with last year.
"Oh uh, hay Alice..." I instantly backed away from her, she really was insane, she made me feel extremely uncomfortable. Alice came right up to me and placed her hand on my chest. "How about we get out of here Sal?" She winked.
"Uh, no thanks Alice. I'm here with my friends - and Rie" I motioned over to Rie who looked angry at what Alice had just suggested.
At that moment Murr, Joe, Bessy, Ivy and Q came over and began to try and get Alice away, they know just how insane she was and how horribly uncomfortable she made me.
"She's my ex-girlfriend I was telling you about last week" I whispered to Rie. "The psycho one"
In reply, Rie just nodded and crossed her arms - looking annoyed.

"I know you still love me Salvatore" Alice laughed while running off with her friend she was with.
I rolled my eyes and thanked the guys for getting her away.

After the encounter, we all went for lunch, we grabbed hot dogs and burgers whilst sitting by the bumper cars.
"Hay, how 'bout we all go on these?" Rie suggested to everyone.
"Hell yeah!" Everyone said together whilst preparing their money.
I grabbed Rie's hand. "Let me buy this one for you, you got me the last one, it's only fair"
Rie rolled her eyes but agreed. We all took our places in the cars and buckled up.
"Bring it, Sally boy" Rie winked over at me. At that moment we all began crashing into each other and enjoying ourselves.
After a few minutes, when I was ramming my car into Q's I heard a commotion happen behind me.
"Stop it you freak!" It was Rie, attempting to defend herself from Alice, who was smashing into her car and being way too violent.
A surge of anger filled both mine and Q's bodies. Simultaneously we both jumped from our cars and ran over to the scene.
"Fuck off!" Q shouted while pushing Alice's car away from Rie's.
I grabbed Rie from her car and pulled her closer to me. Murr, Joe, Bessy and Ivy had all came to join us and shoo away Alice.
"Who do you think you are, don't be a bitch to my best friend! You don't get it do you, you and Sal are over - leave us alone!" Ivy screamed in Alice's face, before anything too bad could happen Q had to pull her away and restrain her.
The guards came and took Alice away from the bumper cars. Rie had cuts all down her arm where Alice's car had injured her, she was obviously in pain and overcome with anger that Alice had caused.
"No. I'm not having this. Stay here" I told Rie. I ran to catch up to Alice.
I grabbed Alice by the shoulder and twisted her so she could see my angry face.
"Haha I knew you would come for m-" she giggled but I cut her off.
"NO. Alice, you need to leave me and my friends alone. We ended and that's it, we're done. Leave me alone."
"It's hard for me to see you being nice with other girls!" Alice wailed.
"That's not my problem." I dismissed her. "And if I ever hear that you have contacted or been violent to Rie again, I will have to take serious action"
Alice rolled her eyes and sighed. "Whatever Sal, she's not worth your time"
"Oh but, she is" I fought back. "I knew her way before I had even heard of your name. She's my best friend, heck, she's more than that! She's the most perfect human being I've ever came across, and you won't hurt her ever again, not on my watch."
Alice took a step back. "Fine." Alice walked away, finally.
I breathed a sigh of relief, to only find a small hand being wrapped around mine. It was Rie's.

I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes and a huge smile plastered across her beautiful face.
"Thank you" she breathed out. Rie's arms snaked around my waist and I pulled her into a big hug.
"Uh how much of that did you hear?" I laughed nervously.
"Enough" Rie winked and we both laughed.
Q came over interrupting us. "Hay we're gonna set off now, Ivy needs a rest - she's still pretty angry"
"That's cool. Thanks for helping out guys" I thanked them all and me and Rie waved them off.
"Come back to my place, we can clean all your wounds up and I'll make you dinner?" I hoped Rie would agree.
Rie smiled up at me and planted a long kiss on my lips. "Sure"

I drove us back to my house, took her inside and plastered up all her wounds.
"I'm so sorry for Alice, she's such a freak."
Rie shrugged. "It's okay. It's what being in love does to you"
I made us both some pizza and poured two huge glasses of white wine. We talked for hours, about everything possible.
"Thanks for tonight Sal, it's been really sweet" Rie came over to me embracing me and kissing my cheek.
I looked directly into her big eyes and took her in for a long, passionate kiss.
"Don't go home yet" I mumbled between kisses. I longed for her touch.
Rie grinned, grabbed my hand and took me up to my room.

((Y'all can guess what happened here ;) ))
Thanks for reading!!!!

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