Chapter 9 - campfires

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My first day at work flew by, I was finally in a stable job that I adored. I was super excited for later as Ivy was staying over - we were having a "girls night". We used to do them every week, and we refused to believe we were too old for them now.
I drove home and parked up, Ivy was stood on my porch waving at me. I laughed and waved back. She had a huge back pack on, and holding what looked like a tent.
"How was work?!" She shouted out to me as I got out my car.
"It was great, everyone's so lovely! I'm so happy I got the offer" I walked over to her giving her a huge hug. "What's with the tent?"
"Well...I was thinking. Murr has just broken up with his girlfriend and he's kinda down, so I thought maybe we could all go camping tonight? Q said he's up for it."
"That's a great idea, let me get my stuff!" I ran inside and quickly got changed and packed an over night bag.
"Ivy? Do I need a tent...I don't have one" I bit my lip, where was I going to sleep?
"Uh, you could share mine with Q? I mean..." She stood there awkwardly.
"Haha, don't worry about it, I'll give you your privacy" I winked. "I'll just share Murr's, i'm sure he won't mind."
"Thanks Rie...oh, and joes wife is coming along - you can finally meet her!" Ivy beamed.
I was super excited, I had heard a lot of good things about Bessy.

Apparently Q was coming to pick us up as Q had a bigger car for all of the equipment we needed.
Q finally pulled up to my apartment, me and Ivy put all of our stuff in the back and got in the car.

"Hey babe" Ivy gave Q a kiss and sat back in her seat.
"Hey hunny. Hay Rie!" Q beamed. "You all ready?"
"Yeah!" Me and Ivy said in unison.

We drove for a good 30 minutes, through all the old streets where my childhood echoed. It was lovely to see all around Staten Island again, I had missed it so much.

We pulled up onto a big hill with loads of fields, a river and big trees which swayed in the wind. It was perfect. Murr, Sal, Joe and Bessy were already here, they were all setting up tents and Sal was trying to set a fire alight.
We all jumped out and collected our things.

"haaaayy guys!" Joe shouted. "Rie, come meet Bessy"
I put all of my stuff down and made my way over to a pretty, small woman who was in Joes arms.
"Nice to meet you Ramona" She smiled and shook my hand.
"And you, Bessy" I beamed. "I'm glad Joe found somebody who can put up with his antics" me and Bessy giggled.

Everybody set up their tents, except for Murr who was sat over by the river with his head in his hands. I grabbed a beer from the cooler Q had brought and walked over to him, taking up the spot next to him.

"Want a beer?" I motioned the beer infront of him
"Thanks." Murr took the beer and took a swig.
"I'm sorry about your girlfriend Murr" I gave him a comforting hug. "You'll find somebody else, i'm sure"
Murr smiled. "Thanks Rie. I'm just glad you're back, to comfort me. You were always the best at doing that. "
Me and Murr had always been best-friends, we used to do pretty much everything together - even crying on eachothers shoulders when we needed too.
Me and Murr joined the others and Sal had managed to start the fire. It was getting darker so everyone gathered round.
I took a seat next to Sal. "Good job on the fire"
"Haha, thanks. How's Murr? He seems so bummed out about the break -up, sad to see him so depressed."
"He's okay - I think he just needs a good night, like tonight." I suggested.
"Yeah probably. Come on, lets go cook some food." Sal picked me up onto my feet and we got stuff prepared.

We cooked chicken, burgers and sausages over the fire and made everyone dinner. It turned out really well, to my surprise. Everyone engulfed their meals and not one single bite was left, to joe and Q's disappointment - who were still hungry.

After a few beers and numerous shots, we all decided to play spin the bottle.
"Ooohhhh SAL! Looks like you gotta kiss Rie" Joe bellowed and everyone giggled.
Sal shrugged and leaned into me and we happily kissed infront of everyone. It wasn't exactly horrible to do. Murr had to kiss Sal and it was the funniest thing ever - to see Sal so disgusted. Q was laughing so hard we all thought he was going to throw up!

By 2:30 in the morning, everyone had retreated into their tents except for me and Sal, we were sat close together near the still lit fire.

"" Sal was laughing so hard he couldn't finish off the story. "Murr lay there for ten minutes after he reached the ground kissing it, and crying"
I burst into laughter. "I would love to sky dive, I don't know how he could be so scared!"
Sal was telling me stories about the show and we shared our favourite moments.

"Hay Sal, get in this photo." I moved nearer to Sal and he put his arm around me. *Snap*. I uploaded the photo up to twitter and onto facebook.
I saw Sal save the photo and put it as his wallpaper, I blushed and bit my lip.

"It's getting pretty late - I should probably go to sleep, since as I'm cooking breakfast early." I told Sal, but then I realised that Murr was probably already asleep. "Murr's probably sleeping...I'll just grab a blanket and sleep out here, don't want to disturb him"
"Don't be stupid - you can share my tent, if you want?" Sal grabbed my hand. "You're unsafe out here on your own. And besides, Q snores - you can hear it if you stay out here"

I chuckled and agreed to share Sal's tent. We put out the fire carefully, I grabbed my pillows and settled down across the tent from Sal.
"Sal?" I asked getting his attention.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"How many girls have you been with since I left?"
"You say it like I'm a player! I've been with one. She was crazy though - proper psycho." Sal laughed while shaking his head. "What about you?"
"Just one?! And just some random guys, nothing major." I shrugged.
One girl?! Is that it?! I always thought he would have been with many other girls after I left - it was weird, and unexpected.
"Yeah, just one. I guess I was always thinking about another girl" he smirked over at me. My face burned a bright red, I was glad we were in the dark so he couldn't see.

We spoke for another hour about everything and anything, until I found myself sinking deeper and deeper into slumber.


I woke up to Sal's arms draped around my waist and him snoring. I giggled and pushed him gently off me. He was adorable when he slept - I wasn't going to deny it. I wonder why he was cuddling me when I woke up? I got up and cooked everybody breakfast - Bessy and Ivy ended up helping and Q and Joe were finally satisfied, with full bellies.

Ivy glided over to me when I was clearing dishes away. "So you shared Sal's tent, did you? She smirked.
"Yeah but, nothing happened" I laughed. "I did wake up to his arms around me though"
"Ooooo..." She winked. "We better get going, Q will drop you home!"

We all said our goodbyes and Murr thanked everyone for taking his mind off Olivia, his ex girlfriend.
We all made our ways home - after what was such a great night.

--- Taking things between Sal and Rie slow! Hope you all enjoyed, thank you for reading, all feedback is appreciated :) ---

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