Chapter 4 - pre drunken shenanigans

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I was woken up by my phone vibrating. It was a text off of Ivy.

'Is it cool if me and Q-man come round a little earlier than planned, so we can help you set up? x"
"Of course :) x"
"Oh, and I need to fill you in on something ;)"
"Now I'm worried, lol. See you later. Love ya"

I hated when people did that. I dragged myself out of bed, made some delicious coffee and prepared myself for the day.

I was watching 'the walking dead' when I heard my doorbell chime. I got up and went to the door to let Ivy and Q in.
I was greeted by Ivy jumping into my arms.
"Happy to see me then?" I laughed, hugging her back.
"Just still can't believe my best-friend is back" she grinned.
"And back to stay" I looked Ivy up and down in awe. "You look so good, what the heck"
"Doesn't she just." Q agreed, pulling her in for a kiss.
Ivy wore a fitted, black, mini dress with killer red heels, though she slipped them off as she walked in. Her hair was curled and plumped up, and she wore her signature red lipstick with pride.
"Thanks girl" she smirked as she made her way into the living room.
"Hay Q" I closed my door and signalled him into my living room. I followed him through.
"Ah check it out Ivy, look who watches the walking dead" Q motioned towards the TV whilst sitting down on the couch. "You know I met Norman Reedus?"
"No way!" My eyes widened. "I need full proof of that."
Q whipped out his phone and scrolled for a while, he turned his phone around, to indeed show me a photo of him and Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl in the walking dead.
"Holy damn" I was star struck. "Daryl is bae"
Q laughed, "each to their own" he winked.

Ivy shooed me out the room and told me to go get ready for the party and that while I was doing so, her and Q would set everything up.
"What was that thing you needed to fill me in on?" I held onto Ivy's arm before she could leave.
"Oh yeah, how could I forget?" She sat me down on my stairs. "This wasn't meant to come out of my mouth, but, fuck it. What are best-friends for?" I was getting progressively nervous for what she was going to say.
"Q told me, that when he told Sal you were back here and you were having a get together, Sal was lost for words, and that doesn't happen often - as you would know -"
"That was probably just because he was shocked" I shrugged it off.
"Ay, let a girl finish?" She hesitated. "Apparently, he spilled to Q, saying he still had 'loving' feelings for you."
This came as a complete shock and I struggled to get anything out of my mouth but a stutter. Ivy laughed at me, "I wanted to tell you, so you know you have a shot here. Go get him back" She squeezed my hand, a rush of happiness surged through my body.
She winked at me and left to return to Q in the living room.
My hands felt numb, I couldn't believe what I just heard. My heart was beating fast, and that's when I realised I was still in my over sized t-shirt and had no make up on.
I sprinted upstairs nearly tripping over my own feet, I burst open my bedroom door and began searching through my closet for something to wear.
I decided on a low cut, black lace crop top and my mom jeans. I wanted to look sexy, but casual.
I applied all of my make up, though this time I spent extra time perfecting my winged eyeliner and applying my dark purple lipstick. I simply straightened my short, brown hair that sat just below my shoulders.
After getting ready I heard my door bell chime once again. My heart began thumping fast, I felt an anxious feeling dance across my gut.

I made my way to the top of my stairs to find Ivy letting Murr and Joe in through my front door.
"Hay guys" Ivy showed them all in.
I walked down my stairs and everyone's heads turned.
"Haaayyyy!" Joe cheered when he saw me. "Move out the way guys I need some Ramona loving, it's been way too long for joey"
I giggled and opened my arms out and embraced Joe.
"I missed you so much Gatto!" I said into his shoulder.
"This isn't a good enough apology young lady." With that, Joe picked me up a spun me around and ran around my hall way with me over his shoulders. Everybody burst out laughing, and I was begging for him to put me down.
"What's going on guys?" An old but familiar voice echoed through my hallway.
Joe instantly put me down and I saw then, that it was Sal.
He looked just as good as the day I last saw him, except now he had glasses and a short beard. {photo is in the media}
His eyes widened as they fixated on me.
I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, I felt the atmosphere around us turn silent and sour - but I couldn't string together the right words to say. Sal was staring right back at me. His stare made my knees go weak and my heart melt, all of our old memories came flooding back to me. A smile was tugging at Sal's lips and I felt my cheeks blush violently.
"So..." Murr said awkwardly. "Ima go find Q." Murr, Joe and Ivy all left the hallway and went into the living room. When Ivy passed me she shot me a thumbs up, for good luck.

After a few seconds of an awkward silence, Sal came over to me. "Hey" he whispered.
"Hay." I gave him a weak smile.
Sal was twiddling his thumbs, looking nervous. "What made you come back?" He finally spoke, breaking the silence.
"My aunt passed away, so, I had no reason to be in Texas. Besides, I missed home way too much" Sal looked sorry for me.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your aunt."
"Ah that's okay. She was a fighter." I smiled reminiscing at the memory of her.
"I-uh, I'm glad you're back, Rie" Sals voice was soft and meaningful, making my heart, once again, beat faster than I ever remember it going before. "And by the way, you look gorgeous"
"You don't look too bad yourself" I playfully shoved him. "Come on, let's go join the others"
We made our way into the living room to find beers already scattered round the room, Q and Ivy preparing vodka shots and music playing.
"Let's do this" Q winked at me, lifting up a shot and chugging it.

Right back at it again - Sal vulcanoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora